What I learned today…

Today, at 7:30am, as I opened what turned out to be a very odiferous fridge to get out breakfast for my students, I quickly learned that :

a)if you pop a circuit breaker in a room with a fridge, verify that the fridge is still working…especially if this happens on a Friday

b)after 2 days of no power, the fridge actually gets warmer than the air-conditioned room it sits in

after 2 days in a steamy fridge:

c)chocolate pudding turns green

d)2%milk turns into cottage cheese

e)green salad turns brown but stains white tupperware green

f)cheese is very gelatinous at high temperatures that don’t quite make it melt

g)sometimes the plastic bags that ice cream cups come in have little holes that melted ice cream can slip through

h)bags of frozen strawberries have the same problem

GROSS, I know…..I hope that everyone had a better start to their Mondays!!!

News of the Babe

Enough grossness for now. Friday night the Babe answered a question for us!!! We were walking home from the park, and L asked, “What does the doggie say, M?”; and of course, we didn’t really expect an answer. Except we got one–she said, “woof, woof”!!! It was VERY exciting, and now, of course, is our favorite party trick. So her words now are “ba ba” (bottle) “da da” (daddy), something between “ha” and “hiya” whenever she picks up anything that remotely resembles a phone, and “woof woof”. Soon enough she will have more words than I have fingers, I know for sure!

Our first trip to Stride-Rite

With the advent of a few unassisted steps, we went to Stride-Rite today to be fitted for walking shoes!! It will probably go down in our little family history as the easiest shoe-shopping trip ever. M got her foot measured and when you are a 4 1/2 REGULAR width, apparently, your choices are white and white. Not a single style with flowers or color was available. So her first pair of shoes look a lot like mine, circa 1974, except that her soles are rubber and not that rubbery wood from back in the day.

I did splurge and get the little “lace savers” that are pink and have a bell….maybe I’ll find some fun laces too!

This was quite the weekend for Baby Girl’s wardrobe. While in Target yesterday, I found infant swim diapers and matching tops, all with SPF protection. Complete with matching hats and shades. I was SO jazzed, until I realized that there were only bikini tops for girls. Ok, I’m not a prude, but a)I don’t think it’s appropriate, and b)do you see the irony in an SPF protected bikini top?!?! So Baby Girl got a more boy slanted fish t-shirt and green swim bottoms. I made sure her hat was girly, but this time function won out over fashion on the swim top. Seriously, why would I exposed more flesh than necessary?

Cranky blog??

Has anyone else had problems with blogger these past few days? It’s been down, running really slow and screwing up my comments! So if you’ve left one, I’m not ignoring them or rejecting them….apparently Blogger is doing that for me. Thanks—NOT. I guess the adage you get what you pay for rings true again!

On to happier things…..the Amazing Miss M. Last night, we had a few unassisted steps!! It was VERY thrilling for me and for her!! Tonight, she played peek-a-boo with a blanket–she was operating the blanket this time. Also, her new “thing” is to hug and love on any and all stuff animals….and pat them on the back like you would a baby! (ok, maybe I’m reading into it, but she’s consistent). It is sooo sweet!

She’s currently participating in a sleep-a-thon–3 hours worth of naps during the day, and atleast 11 hours of sleep at night. It’s not a bad thing, but I feel like I hardly see her! I’m looking forward to the weekend–no big plans at all (for once).

Queen Bees and Wannabes

Have you seen Mean Girls? Did it ring true? Did you know it was based on the aforementioned book? I finally got it out from our library (I requested it about 2 months ago!), and it’s REALLY good. Like I want to buy my own copy to be able to refer to it when the time comes, and so that I can start a few “habits” to help SuperGirl through the craziness that is 6th grade and beyond. She also has you check your baggage–what was difficult/easy/impacting you at that time of your life, which has been bringing up some crazy memories. I know which teen players I wasn’t in jr high/high school, but I’m not sure who I was, exactly. I don’t know that my “group” had a Queen Bee. I say “group” rather than “clique” because we were a widespanning bunch who included anyone. I also found the diagrams she included interesting–she has girls draw their school hallways and/or cafeterias, and label who hangs out where. It’s amazing that the groups are pretty much the same as they were in 1991, and that if pressed, I could draw a pretty good seating chart of my vintage cafeteria experience. And the long hallways (there were two) that connected the cafe to the rest of the school, and you’d have to wait there to be released to get to your next class. And people always went to the same hallway to wait, and you always stood in the same spot, with the same people.

Anyway, even if your girlie is far away from puberty, I think it’s worth a read! Some of it seems to be a bit dramatized, but who knows? At the time I remember being pretty dramatic myself.