Most days, I wish there were a few more hours in the day, and maybe an extra day in the week for myself. For the kids though, some days just go on and on. They have a LOT of free time. Maybe we should get some cows to milk or a hill to walk up both ways to get to school to keep them busy. Until that happens though, we need some things to keep them busy.
Rec basketball, chess club, and scouts help to fill the Fox’s time outside of school. He’s also starting his THIRD year at Goldfish Swim School. He’s been on the #SwimForce team for a year, and he gets faster and better every week.

The hardest part about swimming in the winter is leaving the house when it’s already dark, but once he’s in the water, he’s all in. He always sleeps better on basketball and swimming nights. Added bonuses include him being able to get his swim bag ready now on his own, and (knock on wood) has never forgotten his towel. He’s also learning the benefit of practicing something consistently, and seeing how improvement happens over time.
As a bonus for me or Leilan (we sometimes flip a coin to see who gets to go), going to Goldfish is like going on a mini-vac. I don’t know how they keep it so warm and dry, but it’s dreamy and a total treat on a dark and stormy night. Keep swimming, kid, keep swimming.