40 Bags in 40 Days: the Next Step

So after Wednesday’s post, I got another bag out from my little corner in the living room. Then we left town.

But I have new motivation when I return — someone wants my stuff for a garage sale for a very good cause.

In my inbox this weekend, I got a message from Amy of Stinky Toes Design (go check out her stuff) and she’s collecting items for a giant garage sale at the end of this week. It’s like she knew I had bags and bags of stuff sitting in my garage, just waiting to be donated somewhere.

Amy & her family are having this giant sale as a fundraiser to put raise funds for the adoption of their two girls, who are slowly making their way home from Africa. (If you’re local, and you’d like to donate, let me know and I’ll put you in touch)

2 Replies to “40 Bags in 40 Days: the Next Step”

    1. Thank you for the kind words! It does feel really good — after 20 or so days, I can feel the difference. The challenge will be keeping it up!

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