Date Night: Sponsored By…..(Alternate Title: Cupcakes, Candy, Cream Ale & Camaros)

Today was a random day in so many ways.

We went into MaM’s classroom at the little school to celebrate her birthday. 7 of the 12 students in the room? Were my former students. MaM introduced us as, “Mrs. McNally & L___”. We went through her timeline, we watched her walk around the sun five times, we ate yummy fairy cupcakes. I got the question, “Are you still a teacher here?”

When we got home, I was met in the driveway by FedEx with my prize fromi the 1-800 Flowers drawing at BlogHer. I was thrilled to sort through the yummies included in the Arbor Afternoon basket.

As I was looking at the treats, I joined a conference call with Marcie and an event planner–go to Grown In My Heart to see what we are cooking up ( there’s a question, a giveaway and an announcement!).

Then, finally, Date Night. Also known as Indy’s Social Media Happy Hour. We dropped the kids off at our friends’ house and jetted off……in a 2010 Camaro, compliments of Hare Chevy.

I am not a fast-car kind of girl, but DAMN. The car was hot & so much fun to drive. Everyone who drives a minivan every day should go take a test drive. SUCH a rush!

Hare was sponsoring a kickoff party for Blog Indiana, which just happened to be held at Sun King Brewery, and featuring West Coast Tacos (the taco truck was parked in their warehouse, the taco truck taking Indy by storm). The night was filled with catching up with online friends in person (Angie, Robby, & Stephanie to name a few) and meeting new ones. (I count myself as coming out ahead if my night doesn’t include cutting someone else’s meat, pouring milk or negotiating how many bites are left to take)

Not bad for a Thursday.

A True Confession: She’s Gone Country

I don’t know how it happened.

I don’t think it’s ever happened before.

I’m slightly embarassed and rather disappointed in myself.

I didn’t read a single novel this summer. NOT A SINGLE ONE.

This from the person who used to keep book logs “for fun” in elementary school. Such a sad state of affairs.

When I received an offer to review She’s Gone Country, I jumped at the chance. A book would be delivered to my house, and since it was a review, I would have to read it! Phew. Summer reading guilt dissolved!

Except that summer got in the way, I didn’t really start reading it until this week. And since MaM started school Monday, technically, summer is already over. But the State Fair is still happening, which actually, then, in my book makes it still summer. I digress.

On the surface, the premise of She’s Gone Country sounds a lot like the movie Hope Floats (remember Harry Conick, Jr as a cowboy?), but reading a few chapters in, this book is a whole lot meatier.

The plot revolves around Shey Callen Darcy, Texan by birth, supermodel by day, doting mother of three teen boys by night. Separated from her “suddenly” gay husband, Shey returns to her family’s ranch licking her wounds and contemplating her next move.

The story unfolds nicely, as the boys’ rebel against their mother, Shey’s brothers continue to see her as a younger sister who needs protecting, and Shey’s first love enters the scene.

I won’t go into too many details, because the story moves along with surprises and twists. It’s a good read, and it involves kissing cowboys. It also involves an almost 40 yr old woman on the edge of something familiar, yet new. Of welcoming back her past, but with adult eyes. Of seeing her hometown for it’s good points and bad points, and discovering what it is she can do to help.

Much like I enjoyed Easy on the Eyes last year,
I really enjoyed this story because it’s a mature love story. It’s a story that takes time to involve the children, the work/life balance and extended family, just like real life does.

Disclosure: The Hatchette Group sent me a copy She’s Gone Country to review. The opinions are all mine.

Good Night, Sweet Summer

Tonight we took the kids out for frozen yogurt, at a a newer place in town called Huddles. It’s self-serve yogurt sundaes, sold by the ounce–Heaven. To add to the excitement, it’s a Colt’s themed store, and preseason football was on, so jr was in his glory.

On the way home, we asked MaM what her favorite parts of the summer were (kindergarten starts tomorrow!)….I was wondering what she was going to say–

would it be the Fairy Oaks Dairy? our trip to the beach? the crazy Saturday at the Children’s Museum? all of our time spent at the pool? all of our time spent at the library? her own 5th birthday? our adventures at Conner Prairie? the fun time she had at Camp Grandma?

….without missing a beat, MaM answered, “The Ice Cream we just ate!”

Are your kiddos in school yet? (here kids start as early as August 10th & as late as August 23rd)Did they have a favorite summer moment? Please share!