She still refers to everyone as her friend, and introduces herself to anyone who looks like they may speak Littlest Pet Shop, Barbie, Princess, Star Wars, Cars, Fairy, or Kid-in-General.
She is amazing.
I’m kind of biased, but this girl is the best there is.
I am so honored to be her mom, I can’t even stand it.
Sunday BgK took MaM to her first official NASCAR race. Here in the racing capital of the world, you can either embrace or avoid racing, and over the years, we’ve come to embrace it. It took me awhile, but I got there. We love going to “the track” for all kinds of events.
The Indianapolis Motor Speedway has gained another life long fan.
“What was the best part about the race today, MaM?”
“The ice cream.”
“What else did you like?”
“The cars.”
“Did you have a favorite car?”
“No. My favorite color is pink and there were no pink cars.”
“Did you have fun anyway?”
“Yes! I love the race track with Daddy!”
And there you go. That last phrase, right there? It’s kind of what I live for.
Thanks again to Indiana Dairy for setting us up with this great tickets! Check out their Facebook page or follow them @INDairy to learn more about the dairy industry in our fine state.
I started this post TWO MONTHS AGO, but it’s only going live now because I am lazy. I was waiting on this post because I wanted new photos to show you the handiwork that’s been done. But then we got busy, and we didn’t get anymore showings and we put the punch list aside…and it never happened. Then Tuesday we got the text message that we had a showing Wednesday. We kicked into the high gear, and then documented it.
Here’s the part I wrote as the summer was just starting:
Happy June, Everyone! (how is that even possible?)
We are into hour 4 of summer vacation, and so far, so good. Actually, if I’m really, really, quiet, I think maybe both kids could fall asleep at any moment. Shhh…
This week, I called in a professional for something.
Thankfully, it wasn’t a repair, it was an enhancement.
It turns out, a friendĀ of a friend (whom I met through blogging four years ago) does house staging, and she graciously offered to help me out.
After looking at my house for nine years, I’ve stopped seeing it. After having the whole thing painted last winter, we didn’t put any wall hangings back up. I couldn’t picture our furniture being positioned in anyway that would change the visuals of the room.
I stole the before pictures from our MLS listing, and while it was clean in the pictures, in hindsight it was stark.
Living room, empty mantelKitchen, with one big table and one little table.Dining room, with a side table and a large, black, trash can.
With a vision, talent and some furniture moving, my home was warmed up and rearranged, all with things I had either stashed in a closet or out somewhere already. The only thing I need to go find are two pairs of table lamps and matching nightstands.
July 28, 2011: The showing went well, but they’ve opted for another property (we think). Want to see what they saw? Here you go:
The kitchen, minus an odd table. New living room set up, little visuals on the mantel, console table behind the couch with a new lamp....Dining room has the side table at an angle, with a new lamp, and a print on the wall.
I still need to get night stands, and I ended up only getting one set of matching lamps. But it’s an improvement, right? Anyone interested in a townhouse in a nice neighborhood? You know where to find me.