So due to the aligning of the planets, some jitters on my part AND a new-found Aplha mom tendency on my part, the Babe started child care today instead of next week. Her current caregiver was sick Monday, so I had her with me in the classroom–not fun for anyone, especially the Babe! She loves the stroller–but not for 2 hours while all the other kids get to get down move around as they please. She was very good, but I felt sooooo badly about it! Thankfully she took a good morning nap, so it was only about 2 hours of tending to her and the other 25 children!
So I got to thinking that if her caregiver was still sick today, that maybe this week would be a good time to start daycare. So yesterday we went over to the center, and found out some info that sealed the deal:
a) due to enrollment changes, the Babe will be in the infants room instead of the toddler room. This is really OK, since she’s used to taking 2 naps and eating in a high chair. Plus I LOVE the infants teacher.
b) due to enrollment changes, the infants room was empty today and tomorrow, with a new 7 month old starting on Thursday. This is where the alpha-mom in me came out–I immediately realized that the Babe could have 2 days of basically undivided attention. 2 days of getting to know the teacher w/o anyone else around.
c) they are being really good about the price/fees–since I was quoted the toddlers price, I get to keep the toddlers price ($25 a week less than the infant room), AND we are only paying for 4 days this week instead of 5. (usually you pay for the full week, regardless of how much you are there)
While I was chatting to the director about all of this, the Babe was having a ball, climbing all over this soft-gym equipment they have set up in the middle of the room. She found a baby doll to carry, a bell to ring, and a mirror to giggle into. She protested when I picked her up to go!
So last night, after some consideration, we decided to start her today. No time like the present! So we packed up a box for her, like she was headed to camp or something–it was really funny. Since we buy everything at Sam’s, we had to pack these industro-sized items–atleast she’ll be set for awhile.
This morning she was in a GREAT mood, and excited to go back to the center. She was all smiles for her teacher, and immediately started playing as we unpacked her things. I actually said goodbye to her with hugs and kisses, and she turned around and started playing.
Ok, no drama today-we both made it through the day tear free!!! I was a little edgy, but overall, quite calm about the whole thing. I couldn’t get there fast enough this afternoon–the drive to the center from school is about 6 minutes I think–it seemed like an eternity though. I caught every red light………
When I finally got there at 1pm, L was already there–he had a previously planned 1/2 day, so that worked nicely. Even once we showed up, she was happy to keep playing!
I got the full written report–she did her normal bottles/eating schedule–but only slept for 20 minutes! I’m thinking that will improve once she relaxes a little bit.
There you have it–our first day at daycare–all in all, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. We’ll see what tomorrow morning brings, now that the Babe will know a little more about what’s going on!!