Day 3

I promise, I’ll stop soon. But it’s all going so well, I can’t stop gushing. Turns out, there wasn’t a new student today. So it’s still just the Babe and her caretaker, Ms. L. Works for me!

There was no drama this morning at drop-off—you know, it won’t happen until I’m not expecting it. Today she played shy for 5 seconds, then went right to Ms. L. When I told L, he said, “So she likes Ms.L more than us, huh?” Yup, that must be it! She spent most of her day with the “big kids”, and apparently loved every minute of it, and napped again on a cot–but only for 30minutes. Sooner or later, I know, she’ll relax enough to take a real nap.


Next weekend is Relay For Life!! Our team has been slow to start–so now it’s time to fundraise with gusto! Please click on the link and consider making a donation to the American Cancer Society. Thank you!!!

The weather has gotten hot and humid today–secretly,the staff at school is hoping it will rain on our picnic tonight. Isn’t that horrible?? It’s just that most of the school (ok, all but 21 of my students) are done tomorrow, which means, of course, they were all really done about 2 days ago. And so it’s just that can-it-please-be-summer feeling that’s taken over the school. Thankfully, when you don’t start working til March, you don’t really feel that way. Which is good, because we don’t get a break until the week of July 4th!

Day 2

First of all, let me just say that this will not become a daily digest of Megan’s day at “rainbow” (the name of the center). BUT it being the first week and all, it’s really the only thing on my mind at the present.

This morning went smoothly as well–she did give me the, “Um, oh wait–no you’re not leaving are you??!?!?” look–at which point I fled the building. Apparently, after I left, she was easily distracted with breakfast, and went about her merry way.

Good things thus far:

a) Baby Girl didn’t go outside yesterday because I forgot sunscreen. For those who’ve seen the red-headed, fair-skinned Babe in the flesh, you know this is a VERY good thing. I packed sunscreen (and applied at home), and today she spent 30 minutes outside before lunch!!

b) They sanitize our bottles for us!! That’s 2-3 less bottles for me at the end of every day. I LOVE THAT!

c) She gets time with the older children, which she LOVES, and today she slept–on a cot of all things! She slept longer on it than in the crib yesterday, so maybe they are onto something. I love that they were open to trying it out! (not my suggestion)

d) I literally get a written report everyday. They measure her food, record her diapers and bottles and give me a synopsis. I’m very glad that I’m not required to keep a written log on my own child like that–I’m sure I’d fail miserably at it!

She slept long and hard last night, and went down early tonight. Thankfully she’s pretty good about going down even when she’s tired. I think a week or two of figuring out her new nap schedule and we will be golden.

I’m really glad we decided to do this this week–with this transition going smoothly, I think I’ll enjoy our three day weekend more. Now the only new thing on Tuesday will be 4 new students!! (Yikes!!!)

Other News

Okay, there really isn’t much. My solicitations for the adoption agency fundraisers have been paying off–several items have come in thus far, which makes me feel like all the time on the phone, the postage, etc. was worth it. After Relay For Life, I will make one last concentrated effort–perhaps at the airconditioned mall or some other agreeable place!

Since I’ve turned on comment moderation on this blog, now anyone can leave a comment–you don’t have to be a registered user. So go ahead–comment away. I’m waiting!

oh and shh…don’t tell the Montessori police, but I’ve set up the Pack n Play in our room, and the Babe likes spending a little time in there every day while I’m getting ready. It’s SOO much better than chasing her around our non-child proofed room. Phew!

And the last bit of non-news…our meals have become Juice-a-licious. My friend passed on basically a Juicemaster 2000 type juicer to me–the kind that pulverizes EVERYTHING into juice. It is so much fun! And the Babe loves it. Now I can make a little apple juice, grape juice, fruit/carrot cocktail and she thinks it great! She takes it in her straw cup and goes to town. I think it will be a great way to sneak in some extra veggies. tee hee hee!

A New Chapter

So due to the aligning of the planets, some jitters on my part AND a new-found Aplha mom tendency on my part, the Babe started child care today instead of next week. Her current caregiver was sick Monday, so I had her with me in the classroom–not fun for anyone, especially the Babe! She loves the stroller–but not for 2 hours while all the other kids get to get down move around as they please. She was very good, but I felt sooooo badly about it! Thankfully she took a good morning nap, so it was only about 2 hours of tending to her and the other 25 children!

So I got to thinking that if her caregiver was still sick today, that maybe this week would be a good time to start daycare. So yesterday we went over to the center, and found out some info that sealed the deal:

a) due to enrollment changes, the Babe will be in the infants room instead of the toddler room. This is really OK, since she’s used to taking 2 naps and eating in a high chair. Plus I LOVE the infants teacher.

b) due to enrollment changes, the infants room was empty today and tomorrow, with a new 7 month old starting on Thursday. This is where the alpha-mom in me came out–I immediately realized that the Babe could have 2 days of basically undivided attention. 2 days of getting to know the teacher w/o anyone else around.

c) they are being really good about the price/fees–since I was quoted the toddlers price, I get to keep the toddlers price ($25 a week less than the infant room), AND we are only paying for 4 days this week instead of 5. (usually you pay for the full week, regardless of how much you are there)

While I was chatting to the director about all of this, the Babe was having a ball, climbing all over this soft-gym equipment they have set up in the middle of the room. She found a baby doll to carry, a bell to ring, and a mirror to giggle into. She protested when I picked her up to go!

So last night, after some consideration, we decided to start her today. No time like the present! So we packed up a box for her, like she was headed to camp or something–it was really funny. Since we buy everything at Sam’s, we had to pack these industro-sized items–atleast she’ll be set for awhile.

This morning she was in a GREAT mood, and excited to go back to the center. She was all smiles for her teacher, and immediately started playing as we unpacked her things. I actually said goodbye to her with hugs and kisses, and she turned around and started playing.

Ok, no drama today-we both made it through the day tear free!!! I was a little edgy, but overall, quite calm about the whole thing. I couldn’t get there fast enough this afternoon–the drive to the center from school is about 6 minutes I think–it seemed like an eternity though. I caught every red light………

When I finally got there at 1pm, L was already there–he had a previously planned 1/2 day, so that worked nicely. Even once we showed up, she was happy to keep playing!

I got the full written report–she did her normal bottles/eating schedule–but only slept for 20 minutes! I’m thinking that will improve once she relaxes a little bit.

There you have it–our first day at daycare–all in all, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. We’ll see what tomorrow morning brings, now that the Babe will know a little more about what’s going on!!