Go Katie

I’ll admit it, I’ve been suckered into the media blitz surrounding Katie’s foray into the evening news. I’ve watched last night and tonight, and I think she’s doing it justice. I think it’s been a slow national-news week–nothing much is changing or new, so it’s hard to make a judgement, but for starters, I think she’s doing just fine. A little softer, maybe, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing.

And regardless of how she does, I’m just glad she’s doing it. I wasn’t aware that no woman had been an evening network anchor before, so if for nothing else, I’ll support her for that. My question is, how old will be “too old” for her to be on the air? Will she make it like Barabara Walters? She seems to be aging gracefully at the moment….we’ll see what’s to come in the next decade or so.

It amazes me that in this, 2006, there are still frontiers for women to cross. I mean, really. Does anyone know of any other jobs (besides President, Vice President, some military posts) where the girls need to make their marks?!?!

PS–have you ever seen a baby with darker, fuller hair than Suri?? OMG! Like the young thing is wearing a wig!

Labor-free weekend

We just returned last night from a family marathon of sorts–exhausted and happy. My cousin and his wife were in from Florida, and they got to meet M for the first time. Of course, they were smitten! Every time M walked into a room where they were, she was so happy to see them. In the mornings, they’d come down for breakfast (you know, about 2 hours after M’s been up, running around) and she was ESTATIC that they were still there. It was really sweet. We got the whole fam together 3 days in a row, and it was really nice. M had fun with her cousins, Anna and Noah. Apparently, she’s reached the age where she can “run with the kids” now–she just did whatever they were doing, happy as a clam, hours past her bedtime. Does it get any better than that? Oh, and there was carrot cake in honor of my upcoming birthday. That was pretty great too.

Monday we hit L’s side of the family, and again, she “ran with the kids”….6 kids, all under the age of 4, completely getting along for the 4 hour visit. How crazy is that? They all (well, not baby Jimmy) played in the sand box and on the slide, Uncles supervising but really getting involved. Uncles kabitzing, Aunties kabitzing, Grandpa dozing on the couch. M did slow down enough to hang with Baby Jimmy for a little bit, as you can see:

It was baby’s 2 month b-day. He’s celebrating by taking 5-6oz every 3 hours!!! Oh those were the days….

We went to the doc this afternoon–M’s ears are clear, and she’s made a full recovery from her first ear infection. Now if only those molars would come through once and for all.

No news on how much $$ was made on the Ball…I’m eagerly awaiting the wrap up email.

I could have danced all night….

The Ball was a huge success! I haven’t heard how much $$ was raised, but it was a really enjoyable time. The setting, the Indiana Roof Ballroom, is just the most beautiful place, you can’t help but be in a festive mood while you are there.

I don’t know what you can tell from this picture, but the tables had beautiful white floral center pieces with silver stars and smelled soooo good. There were stars from the spotlight on the ballroom floor, it was really pretty!

The auction was GREAT–I wish I had numbers, but I don’t yet. All in due time, I’m sure. Anyway, I gathered the items for two people who spent over $1000. So if 10 people did that, we’re golden!

The Dancing with the Stars was a HOOT–the local weatherman danced to “I Love a Rainy Night”, the agency director did a Tango, the deputy Mayor did some racy moves and the priest from the cathedral did some VERY racy moves–for a priest–with a little gal who does hip-hop and swing. It was a riot, and we raised $2300 on the dance contest by selling paddles for people to vote for their favorite dancers.

The food was divine–fancy greenery salad with pears, nuts, bleu cheese; fabulous rich and creamy potatoes au gratin, the delightful steam veggie mix of green beans, wax beans and carrots, and moist chicken and beef (truly, the meat was just OK, but the rest of the meal was great). Add a little table wine and some bread and color me happy.


It tasted even better than it looked—you can’t tell from the picture that it was FUDGE CAKE, thick chocolate mousse, real whip cream…..OH SO delightful.

Here’s the quick write up from Saturday morning’s “BUZZ” page..scroll down past Mitch’s appearance and read about our fab night!