The Fit has hit the Shan. Since people get busted for blogging about work all the bloodly time, I don’t want to incriminate myself too much. Let’s just say that I’ve been coming up with all of the songs that have the word “C*R*A*Z*Y*” in the title, and singing them to myself, and seeing if they apply with the co-worker with whom I spend the most time. HA! After a series of unfortunate events, I had no choice but to report to the personnel committee and say,”yes, your inklings were right–she’s whacked”.

1) She tried to retract something she wrote for the newsletter…when I went to fix it for her, turns out she didn’t write what she said she did.

2) She asked me THREE times in 45minutes what time a fire drill was occurring. She kept asking. I kept telling her the.same.damn.thing.

3) She’s moved things around so much that three year old blurted out, “why do you keep moving that?!?!”

4) I caught her smelling her armpits today.

5) (no, I’m not done) She started a presentation….and got lost. Really lost. So she had me take over. So I did. Then the acting head-of-school walked in. So busted. (she’s the lead, I’m not, she’s supposed to present, I’m not)

6) She scheduled not one, but TWO parent-teacher conferences during the work cycle. And forgot about them. So when I told her that her conference had arrived, she looked at me like I was crazy. Not quite.

Sooooo I had to call today. And things will be done. Soon. Or so they say.

Other Things

M has another ear infection and a snotty nose. But she’s eating like a horse and is in a great mood and hasn’t had a fever to speak of. We went to the doc Tuesday for her 15 month appt. and she’s grown 2 inches and gained 4 lbs in three months!! The ear infection thing has me thinking we really need to try switching her to soy for awhile, so we started yesterday. We’ll see if it helps in her mucus procudtion. I can’t bring in soy milk to daycare until I have a doc’s note, so when we go back for her re-check on her ears (and shots if she’s clear) I’ll discuss that. Anything I can do to minimize the ear infections (besides, obviously, taking her out of daycare), I will do. Yes, the obvious is that she is getting sick because she’s around other kids and while they are well cared for, they spread germs. It happens. Most days I’m over it. Some days I’m not.

What else? I’m going in on Monday to have a “select nerve block injection” to hopefully quell the pain I’ve been in for two months. The relief should be almost instant. I cannot wait. I was so bummed when I found out the appt. was over a week away when I called last week. But so it goes. I hope to report back in a MUCH better mood next week, for a variety of reasons.

Halloween Fun

Our Second Halloween as a Family of Three

We had a fun and festive Halloween here……first, on Sunday, we went to the pumpkin patch with J, G, and Z. We had a grand time, Baby Girl got to go on her first hayride and pick out a pumpkin, see farm animals, walk a muddy corn maze, etc. The weather was perfect, and we had a great time. Of course, we couldn’t believe how big Z is getting, and they were amazed with all M can say and do!!!

Our next visit will be around Christmastime. Lately we’ve been doing emails say, about 2x per month, and then just calling each other the week before the visit to firm up details and so forth. It seems to be working for all involved, and you can’t ask for much more than that. Thankfully, M loves everyone she meets, so she warms up to them quickly each time. We also have photos that we look at, so the faces can continue to be familiar.

(minor detour from halloween details) She’s enthralled with pictures right now–she looks at her little albums all the time, as well as photos in frames around the house and on the fridge. She points and I name everyone, and she’s getting to know the people in the pics. I try to keep the pics of the cousins current (they are all under 5), because just like her, they keep growing and growing!

Tuesday M’s daycare had a little “party” for the kiddos, which was hysterical. They all dressed up, had a little parade and then had a bigger than usual group snack in the large-motor room, complete with Halloween paper products and such. Completely unessecary, but fun. The most exciting thing?? M wore her boots the whole time!!

Later that evening, we went down to the Governor’s Mansion and got a treat bag from the man himself. Say what you will about his politics, he was a darn nice pirate and was very sweet to M!

You can see M in all her cowgirl glory here.

Better click soon though–L’s other photoblog got cancelled by TextAmerica. Apparently, you can only have 50 pics on a “free” account. Soon, he and his pics shall be moving to flickr. I’ll update links as needed. Also, please don’t mind that M’s jeans are undone in some of the pumpkin patch photos—sadly, she’s out grown her Old Navy Flair jeans. Apparently they run small even for kiddos. I didn’t realize that everytime she sat down she popped the snap until we were already at the Pumpkin Patch, and of course, it was impossible to keep up with her and her runaway jeans!

What Else is Happening?

Not too much that is really blog worthy, I don’t think. Our laundry is spontaneously generating. I didn’t do much during the week last week, so that this weekend, I think I did six full loads. And guess what? By TUESDAY it was full again. How does that happen? And, seriously, how do large families cope? Short of installing a second washer/dryer, what, exactly, do you do??

Our time change here was non-eventful, thankfully, M was relatively unphased. We are keeping her up a little later so that she continues to sleep long enough in the morning to allow me to get ready for work before she wakes up. It seems to be working. And we are loving driving to daycare and work in the sunlight for a few more weeks.

There was lots of good reading in the snail-mail today…Pottery Barn Kids, BabyTalk and Parenting all came today. Of course, I haven’t read much of any of them, because I was too busy reading Hop On Pop. Or, more accurately, reciting it verbatum as M turned the pages, pointed at assorted things and made the sound effects she’s deemed appropriate for each page. We will have to video and post our dramatic reading on YouTube sometime soon.

I am counting down the days to Thanksgiving….I could really use a looooonnngg weekend right about now!

Today is brought to you by the letter B

The Babe has the “b” sound down…..and it can mean many, MANY things at any given time. Usually, there’s a visual cue to go with it, and she points to what she sees….have you ever thought about how many of Baby’s favorite things start with “B”??!!

Check it out:

Ba-ba (in her case, this means milk in any container)

and I’m sure I’m forgetting a few. Surely a few more syllables, sounds and signs will come shortly, right???

Thanks for the input on the Christmas dresses…I’ll be sure to share my decision once it is made! Alteast getting M to wear a Christmas dress should be easier than a Halloween costume! The boots (NOT on her favorite things list) and hat are a sure no-go this year for her cowgirl costume. She’ll wear the onesie and jumper, but won’t come within 10 feet of the boots or hat. And while she likes to touch the soft lady bug costume, she does NOT like to have it on her body. Soooooo we’ll just wear our halloween turtle neck and call it a day.

And focus on Christmas dresses on November 1st. They are much more ladylike anyway, and PATENT LEATHER SHOES get to be involved!!