Tee hee hee

The chiropractor called me “toned” today and asked if I was working out. My posture is better than it has been since my first appt in November (when I couldn’t stand up with weight on both my feet for more than about 2 minutes). When I told him that I was doing Pilates, he said, wow, that’s all your doing? You’re really toning up. I then mentioned that we were also walking a ton, and of course, chasing after the monkey. He told me to keep it up–that my muscles are starting to do their jobs better than they have been.

So now I don’t see him again for another month–can you imagine how wow’d he’ll be then?!?!

Another Pound Bites the Dust

Things are moving along nicely in the waistband/scale department here a casa de Kahuna. I felt like this was a fairly “normal week”–I planned some, winged it some, and tried to counter balance bad choices with good choices.

I even drank a bit this weekend–the warm summer wind seemed to be whispering the words “vodka tonic” in my ear, and I succumbed. I bought diet tonic water (yes, they make such a thing) and enjoyed (several) 2pt Vodka Tonics. Mmmmm……SUMMER.

So I account this week’s success to either one or two (or maybe both things):

1) my morning smoothies made with plain yogurt that contains 3g of fiber per cup. Seriously, maybe those dairy ads that claim you lose more weight with dairy are right. Maybe it’s the berries, I don’t know, but I love them.

2) I’ve laid off the sauce. No, not the vodka sauce, the sauce that’s more near and dear to my heart…..(are you sitting down?)….CAFFEINE. I’ve been sleeping like crap lately, and was very close to calling the doc for some drugs, when I realized he wouldn’t give me drugs if I admitted my caffeine habit to him. So I quit. And you know what? It’s not so bad. I’ve been enjoying iced mochas (there’s that dairy again) ever since. And what’s nice is that now that it’s all decaf, I can drink them any time of the day or night.

I really have no idea if my cutting out caffeine has really helped me weight-wise, but I’m sleeping better (which may also help).

My question for the jury today is this–what time of day do you weigh yourself?? I, of course, like my first-thing-in-the-am after I pee weight the best, but is it really my accurate weight? I like my right-after-dinner weight the least, of course. I’ve been going with my few-hours-after-lunch with clothes on weight, figuring that if I go to the doc’s, it sure as heck won’t be in my PJ’s at 6am. When do you weigh yourself and “count it”??? If you go to WW, what time is your meeting? I used to go in the evenings, but never ate anything after lunch on those days. I know it’s all a sick game, but I’m just curious!!

Another 1/2 lb GONE

I could be disappointed in a .5 loss, but when you take into account the cheesecake lunch, church festival, birthday party and the goldfish that keep swimming into my mouth, I’m just glad the scale is reading less this week than it was last week! And 1/2 lb is two sticks of butter or two hamburger patties. I’m happy to lose a stick of butter here or there any time I can!

This week I must reign in the mindless/random eating that sort of came out last week–my meals were planned, as were my snacks, but then there were random eatings in between. Which really, if you think about it, means I’m constantly ramming food down my pie hole, what with three meals, three snacks AND random eating? It’s amazing I have time to work or mother or anything like that!!!

I also must up my activity level–Pilates is awesome, but it’s twice a week. I need to continue to move on the those other five days of the week in some way.

Always a work in progress……