10080 minutes in review and why I don’t have to pray to St. Anthony any more

10080 Minutes In Review

So last Sunday the Babe had 2 teeth, could sit up on her own and get into the crawling position, but couldn’t really go anywhere. Mostly, she did yoga.

10080 minutes later (today, or, this Sunday)

The Babe now has 4 teeth–two up top and two below. She can CRAWL, crawl anywhere her little heart desires. She can also pull up on ANYTHING–my leg, a chair, the sofa, her little piano, anything she can bear weight on.

She is also learning to CLIMB THE STAIRS. Yes, honest to goodness, she got up 3 stairs all on her own. And surprisingly, didn’t fall back and crack open her head (thank goodness). Oh, and she has figured out her straw cup. What a week.

Now on to St. Anthony

St.Anthony is the person they teach you to pray to when you need to find something. I believe he’s helped me find many a contact lens, sets of keys and remote controls. Now that the Babe can crawl though, I don’t think I’ll be needing him. See, she goes for all things metal, black plastic and otherwise non-baby proofed. Put her down in the middle of the room, she’ll find the outlet w/o the cover, the remote control, my sunglasses, pens, anything at all. So now the only time I figure I’ll need St. Anthony is when I’m actually looking for THE BABE.

the Babe is mobile

Ok, so she’s been rolling around, sitting up and doing her “exercises” and what not for awhile. But now, I am confident when I say the Babe can CRAWL. Yes, crawl forward. It’s still a little wobbly and peppered with a few froggy jumps (when she lifts her knees off the floor and pushes herself forward), but it’s a forward motion with her tummy off the floor and arms moving forward.

We’ve had outlet plugs in for awhile, and child-locks on the posion cabinet under the sink…but we are now entering a whole new phase of child-proofing. Yikes!

One good thing is that she is seriously wearing herself out–last night she went down at 5pm and slept in basically the same position until 7am. I was sure she’d wake up for a snack (i would), but that wasn’t the case. Ok, when she did get up she ate about 1/2c. of oatmeal 1/2 of a banana and 8oz of formula, but wouldn’t you?

And now, three housrs later, she is blissfully asleep once again. Oh what a life.

Finally Linking….

I’ve added the photo blog to the side bar AND learned how to link text….click on The Babe….that should take you to Sugar-Pie’s little photo blog. Where have the past 6 months gone?!?!