Fun with Cousins!

This weekend the Babe got a lot of cousin time–cousins Scottie (3)and Danika (7 months) on Saturday, and Anna (3) and Noah (2) on Sunday. It was so much fun! Now that she can move around, it’s very cool to watch her interact with the other kids. Danika isn’t moving around yet, so I got to see that the Babe is somewhat of a bully already–just taking whatever was in Dani’s reach, leaving the poor child there, looking as if to say, “Um, excuse me, I was using that?!?” While the Babe crawls off with her trophy, pleased as punch. I know that 7 months is too young to expect sharing, but wow. That would be the ultimate example of egocentric, I suppose.

She wasn’t quite as easy going this trip as in trips past–much more resistant to napping in strange places, not so thrilled at sleeping in the pack and play, not totally sleeping the entire car trip—things, they are a changin’, unfortunately, just in time for Summer Car Trip season. Yikes!

The Babe also go to see, for the first time, I believe, Uncle Jon, “out from under the bushes” as Great Grandma would say. Uncle Jon was bribed , a ridiculous amount of money to shave off his crazy facial hair. In hindsight, he probably would have done it for much, much, less–like probably for less than $10. But it made for wacky family fun.

I’m just realizing that our new camera needs a USB cable that I don’t currently have . So much for posting pictures. Maybe next time.

Note to Self:

When planning to wear 17 lb child in a Bjorn for 4 hours in a row, first do a week’s worth of strength building exercises. Secondly, maybe wear her for oh, say an hour a day for a few days and build up to the Bjorn Marathon.

Wow are my shoulders and back sore! I didn’t have this problem when she was only 10 lbs. I’ll definitely be getting my weight bearing exercise if I carry her around a bit in that thing every day at school! Wowsa!

Nap Time…ahhh

If I were smart, I’d nap when the Babe naps. But I’ve tried that, and it never works. Either she’s up right away, or I’m too restless to nap, thinking of the 1000 other things I could be doing. Today it’s been a rather long nap–I’ve gotten quite a bit done, including:

1)the dishes
2)hosed down the high-chair–SO gross!
3)2 loads of laundry
4)a few things for Relay for Life
5)called a friend
6)got something in the mail I’ve been meaning to send for awhile
7) read all the blogs I feel I need to read each day!
8)checked email
9)responded to email, including one from J. She’s having a bad week–Z’s come down with pnuemonia, which stinks. And of course it’s trickier for her, because she has to miss work and pay for the doctor and so forth. She’s got sick time to use, but she misses the overtime she counts on, she’s got insurance but we all know how drs and xrays can add up. And she’s concerned, because he had pnuemonia 2 years ago that got really bad. And he’s such a cute little guy–it makes me sad to think that he is sick.

So obviously, the Babe is having a darn fine nap. Now I’m feeling sleepy myself, but I know as soon as I lay down, she’ll get up. So I think it’s off to read until she gets up. I’m reading a book by Donnie Brasco. Donnie Brasco the real guy, not Johnny Depp. It’s like a behind the scenes to the Sopranos.

I’m sure I’ll get through about 2 pages before she’ll declare nap time over. In a way, I’m kind of answering to a Mafia boss myself. Granted she little, but she does have me at her beck and call 24/7. She gets me out of bed whenever SHE needs something. Hmm….an analogy I’d not thought of before.