Make it Three: Potty Time?

Ok, this is CRAZY….but M has started looking for places to sit when she needs to go potty. Seriously. What’s so crazy about that??? Let me count the ways:

1. She’s 12 months old!!

2. I noticed

3. I felt the need to blog about it.

Of those 3, which is the craziest part? I’m not sure. Anyway, tonight during “naked time” (after bath) she totally and purposefully sat on the top stair and peed. And Grandma’s, she sat in the booster seat (it was on the floor) and pooed. Yesterday she carried her stool (piece of furniture, not bodily waste) into the bathroom where I was and sat on it next to me. Am I crazy?!?!? (and for which part?)

And this is probably why that cartoon from a few days ago has me laughing outloud (still).

F-ing WEIRD!

I bet this sh*t doesn’t happen at Typepad or where all the other rich bloggers hang out. As many of you know because you let me know, this blog was MIA for days. THANK YOU for asking me about it!

Anyway, tonight I decided to write a new post to see if that would do the trick, and it appears to be doing just that. How bizarre.

So… of note?

I’m on vacation this week at a lovely little lake town in NW Indiana–OK, it’s home to the State Penn, but don’t let that ruin the imagery. I’m having fun giving grandma lots of grandma time, which is good for all involved. Unfortunately, Baby Girl is teething like a fiend and really wanting MOM 24/7. I don’t really mind, I just wish I could make her feel better.

I got to see the younger of my two brothers do manual labor today, that was amusing. He’s earning some tax free $$ by repainting part of the estate. He needs it for his whopper of an electric bill and other things since he’s currently, as they say, “between jobs'”. Anyway, watching him work was fun.

We did see most of the cousins this weekend, which was a ball–Baby Girl is getting old enough to be engaged in things with the other kids, and she loves all of them!

OK, let’s see if GOTCHA BABY is back up to stay!