Joining the Next Generation….

of Television!

I told you that BgK had brought home something big on Black Friday. Big, as in 32″ big. To put it in perspective, let me tell you about Old TV, which has already gone on to a better place.

I got Old TV my senior year of college as a 21st birthday present. It was a 19″ RCA that served my purposes just fine. That TV traveled from my dorm room, to Cleveland, to Illinois, and finally to central Indiana. It became “our” TV when we got married in 2001. It didn’t really occur to us to maybe think about replacing it until we got DVD player, and had to go to Radio Shack to by an adapter (an RF modulator to be exact) so that the DVD player and the rabbit ears antenna could both be hooked up at the same time.

As Old TV was approaching 14, things started to happen. The five local channels we used to get dropped down to 3. The color was sometimes color, but was often greenish, or black and white. We knew the time was drawing near when to correct any problem, a good swift slap generally corrected it. Then we started seeing the commericals about digital converson boxes that will be needed on older TVs come February. And we started to think about upgrading. Really, two adapters for a 14 year old TV that only turns on and off via remote seemed like excessive life-saving measures.

When the Black Friday ads came out, we couldn’t believe how the prices on HD TVs had come down in the past year or two. We couldn’t believe that we were both looking at the TV ads. It had to be a sign.

So BgK went out Friday afternoon, and picked out a lovely TV. We plugged it in, and even with our rabbit ears, we get about 10 channels (who knew?)! It feels like I’ve gotten new contacts–the picture is that much clearer. And if this one lasts the 14 years the old one did, we won’t have to replace it until MAM is applying to college.

Are you into hot teenage vampires??

I am. It all started with a curiosity…what was all that Facebook flair about?? I picked up Twilight through my library’s reserve system and haven’t looked back. The story line is amazing, the dialogue witty, and the descriptions pull you into the story.

And the movie? Is awesome. Which says a lot, because it’s a movie based on a book. And we all know how bad those can be. But this one? This one does a pretty good job of keeping the plot line the same and the important story elements in tact. And the special effects? Well, all of the fast driving, flying and running kind of make you kind of want to meet a vampire (a vegetarian one who dazzles in the sun and drives a fast car, of course). It was good enough to make my girlfriend who came with me want to read the book, and as I told her some of the plot that wasn’t conveyed in the movie, she was further entranced.

As an adult, I completely love the teen angst in the movie that is just so incredibiley teen. You can’t see past it while you’re in it, you can’t imagine anything but the moment you are in. I love the fact the co-dependcy is reciprocal–Edward can’t stay away from Bella anymore than she can stay away from him. I love that that fact is palpable in the movie. I love putting faces with the rest of the Cullens. I love the look on poor Jasper’s face during the whole dang movie.

When is New Moon hitting the big screen?

Are you a Twilight fan? Come on, you can tell me……