A Shoe Thing

So my cyber-friend Alicia sort of has this “thing” for shoes….and she is having some shoe voting going on this week. Go check it out….and vote for my shoes (they will be your favorites, I assure you)! Mine are on Tuesdays docket…labeled “Michelle’s Shoes”.

Also. on a totally unrelated note, I have decided, merely 21 days into 2009, that this is, sadly, THE YEAR OF THE GERM. Seriously, it feels like it will never end. The upside is that there is a lot of cuddly-cuddle time with the kiddos. When they aren’t cuddley, typically, they are sleeping. Last night MAM slept from 4:45pm until 9:30pm, and then 10:30pm until after 7 this morning. The downside is that this case of pink eye is holding on for nearly 2 weeks, my cold for one. Blah.

That’s it for me…off to cuddle sick little boy and run him a steamy bath!! Stay healthy and go vote for shoes, my friends.

MedNotes can be a Life Saver

For the past two winters, I have been up to my ears in cough and cold season, as experienced by MAM. The endless trips to the doctor’s office, the follow up trip to the pharmacy, you know the drill. When dosing cold medicine, tylenol and ear drops, I made a big chart for the refrigerator, because I really couldn’t keep it all straight.

This winter, it seems like it’s my turn. Strep throat, pink eye (now on it’s second round! yippee!) currently concurrent with a wicked cold. It’s enough to overwhelm this super mom. The doctor this morning just smiled when I told her that I don’t usually get this sick this often–and she chalked it up to my lack of quality sleep. Thanks, doc.

Anyway, there is website to help with all of this medical mumbo-jumbo. Drugs.com has launched MedNotes, a place where you can keep your whole families medical information. Ideally, you’d always see the same doctor, and always go to the same pharmacy, but that doesn’t always happen. MedNotes helps you to organize everyone’s medications, allergies and treatment, so that everything is in one place. The index of drugs is expansive, and easy to understand.

Between the four of us, currently there are 5 maitenance medications, daily vitamins, and more. Having all of that information in one safe place gives me a piece of mind that in an emergency, I’d be able to retrieve what I needed in a few clicks. Go check it out for yourself!

This review is part of a MomCentral Blog Tour. See what other moms are saying at MomCentral.com

Not Ready to Rate 2009 Just Yet, but….

For some reason, I’m not feeling the intense urge to post every mundane detail of my life lately. Not sure why, except for the fact that, so far, 2009 is kicking my butt.

In the grand scheme of the world, nothing bad is really happening. Just a lot of little inconveinces that add up to a tired, cranky mama who probably isn’t all that much fun to be around. So I apologize.

1) My car has been in the shop since Dec. 22. Yes, as in “since last year”. There is some sort of puzzling, grave, (and probably expensive) electrical issue. For the two weeks we were off of school, it was annoying, but not a big deal. One week later, after leaving at the booty-crack-o’dawn to ride with hubby, and then getting picked up later in the afternoon/bumming rides it is getting OLD. We didn’t rent a car this week, because, really, we couldn’t imagine that we’d be down a car the whole week. Turns out we were. We are exploring more options for next week.

2) The pink eye. The pink eye has reared it’s pink and crusty head in my eye, and more than likely in MAMs. Thus the reason I am posting at noon on Friday. We go to the doc later today for confirmation, and to get a jump on our medical spending for 2009!

3) I don’t know if it’s the early mornings, teething (on Jr.’s part), the getting back into the school routine or what, but neither child has been a champion sleeper this week. Which means that I’m not sleeping. Which makes me cranky.

Ok, enough doom and gloom. Please tell me something happy in your comment!!