Preschool that is. Jr. is home today with….teething. Much as I can figure, that’s the diagnosis. MAM had a follow up ENT appointment, and her tonsils are doomed. After this morning’s appointment, it was closer to lunchtime than I thought it would be… we just came home. And she’s been playing, blissfully, by herself ever since. Cars up the stairs, cars down the stairs, cars lined up, cars spaced out… name it, she’s moved them that way. And Jr.? We ll that poor thing is just a hot mess. Nothing seems to be giving him relief–Tylenol, Hylands teething tablets, cold things, hard things, soft things….am I forgetting something? Let me know if you have any teething tips!!
For the record, her cars live in a cooler and a Tinkerbell lunchbox. Alnd I don’t believe in “bed skirts” or”dust ruffles”. Who needs a ruffle to collect dust? I have plenty of other surfaces to collect dust, thank you very much!
Mother’s Day’s Giveaway Announcement
There are a lot of giveaways going on this week…..check out what we’ve got for you at Grown In My!!! Lots of fun stuff, and you don’t even have to have a tie to adoption to win! Good Luck!
A Perfect Saturday Night
Sometimes, I really, really, really like where we live. I like that family events are plentiful. easy to get to, and most often FREE. Last night, I was in love with my midwestern town once again.
This weekend marked the opening of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the 93rd running of the 500 Mile Race. Little know fact: the first race there was not an automobile race. The first race was a hot air balloon race, held June 9, 1909. The race was the first event held at IMS, to help raise funds to complete the race track. This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the IMS. Opening weekend was marked with the return of the hot air balloons, a concert and more.
I’ve seen hot air balloons before, but last night was the first time we were invited to actually get in one. Not in the basket. In the actual balloon as it was being inflated. This is us, getting blown away as the balloon inflates around us!! All of the pilots and crews were super friendly, and very laid back as hundreds of people trampled on the grass, poking around these delicate beauties.
The Energize Bunny balloon was there, touted as the largest hot air balloon in the world. It even comes with it’s own “bunny crew”, passing out rabbit ears to anyone who wants them.