What’s a big sister to do??

Of course, everyone wants to know how MAM is adjusting. MAM has, to say the least, a very, um, strong personality. She is an absolute and precious joy–especially when she gets her own way. Otherwise? Sometimes it’s dicey.

So how’s she doing? She’s a trooper. She loves to hold her brother, help with the bottles, bring him diapers. She does have a knack for needing things as soon as I sit down to feed him, but you’ll have that.

A few days ago she put on her girlfriend’s shoes and said,”I CeCe!” and she spent the afternoon being called CeCe and CeCe was MAM. Last night, she declared, “I Baby A!” and she only answered to the name Baby A for the last two hours before bed. When I asked where MAM was, she said, “Sleeping in the crib” (where babe was sound asleep).

But today? We went for a walk around the block–babe in the sling, MAM on her bike. At the halfway point, she told me she was tired and wanted to be held. I told her that if I held her, I couldn’t carry her bike too–we’d have to leave her bike on the sidewalk. I told her she could push it or I could push it. She chose to push the bike all the way home. Such a trooper!!

So much love, I just might burst

You can’t tell by my expression in this photo, but one thing I wasn’t thinking about was how the love an older sibling shows a younger sibling can completely blow a mama out of the water.

MAM loves, loves, loves her little, little brother!

She did tattle on him when he whizzed on the carpet (from the bassinet, believe it or not!), but other than that, they’ve been getting along famously.

Just at the photo–I’m looking a little shell-shocked, but MAM? She’s got it together. She’s giving him his first dental exam.

She was thrilled to dicover that he had GUM. Right up til she figured out that it was attached to his mouth and that he wasn’t sharing 🙂

Hospital Wristbands and other details

To say the past 48 hours have been surreal isn’t doing A’s birth justice. I’ve stated before that going through this twice is just plain weird. J and I have the same common point of reference, and all three kids were born at the same hospital.

With MAM’s birth, J and I both recalled that all four of us (both birthparents and adoptive parents) had nursery bracelets. The bracelet is the magic pass to the baby, and we were thrilled to be granted that. It meant that we could spend time with MAM while they slept.

When we arrived late Friday night (maybe it was Saturday morning) MB told us that there were no bracelets for us. J had asked, and the nurse said that each baby gets two adult bracelets, period. We were bummed, but obviously respected hospital policy.

Yesterday we spent the majority of the afternoon and part of the evening in with J. Baby A slept basically the entire time–and there were times where the three of us were snoozing too. We didn’t talk about much, just sort of hung out. And J and I fell into the rythm of the co-mothering thing with did with MAM. Taking turns feeding, me doing the diapers, her charting what’s going on. Weird if you look at it from the outside I’m sure, but natural.

Having been through it once though, J mentioned one thing to me–that it completely sucked to be in the hospital over night after MAM was discharged to us. That if she could, she’d like to be discharged on the day she signed the paperwork.

We completely understood that, so the paperwork is set to be done tomorrow at 10am.

Today she asked that we time MAM’s visit with Z’s, so we did that this morning. While we there, I was able to sit on the chat with the ped, which was cool–the babe is doing just fine. The hospital social worker paid a visit, and the issue of hospital wristbands came up. Turns out, one of the adoptive parents has to have a wristband in order to get into the nursery to get the discharge instructions. So before we left got that all straightened out, and I got a wristband (MB surrendered his). On the way home, BgK told me that that’s what he remembers from MAM’s birth–that J and I were the ones who had wristbands. (really, I’m not egocentric much)

In a way, it feels presumptuous to be posting all about this before it’s a done deal. From the day she told us about the baby (back in November), though, we’ve been coming to terms with the fact that one way or another, this baby will be in our lives. Maybe as our son, but always as MAM’s brother.