I know, it’s an odd title for a post today. Today marks the day where nine years ago, the world changed forever. Today on facebook and twitter, there are memories and links all going back to September 11, 2001.

Yesterday, though, MaM came home with an Eid ul-Fitr treat bag from school. You see, her school mates had sent in treat bags as part of the celebration that is the end of Ramadan, the most holy month in Islam. Much like Christian children first focus on Easter (complete with candy) before understanding Lent, MaM came home with a very basic introduction to this Muslim feast (she was, of course, delighted by the candy).

Thursday, friends of mine headed out to a retreat in honor of Rosh Hashanah. Between Thursday and Yom Kippur, are the Days of Awe in the Jewish faith. A simple analogy my friend uses is this, “these are my Christmas and Easter– you can’t tell your mother you’re skipping Christmas or Easter, can you?” People were wishing each other “Happy year 5771” as they celebrated the Jewish New Year online, and kindly explaining the sentiment to those not in the know.

Sunday, MaM’s Catholic Sunday school resumes. She’s sat through Mass nicely this summer, and is jncredibly interested in reading along in the missal and the hymnal. Next spring, probably in May, a bevy of cousins and friends all in 2nd grade will make their First Holy Communions. I can only imagine MaM’s fascination with the beautiful white dresses once she sees them.
These are all things that make me happy. They are all signs that despite on what happened on this day in 2001, the people of our country are still open-minded, compassionate people of faith. People of many different faiths, but yet of similar minds. Blow-hard ministers from Florida aside, nine years later, we have not let the terrorists win.