My friendships are old enough to get into bars now

I have been blessed with some of the best friends in the entire world. Seriously–the entire world. Three of them, I met on the first day of high school in 1987. The first? In homeroom. The next two, in honors English second period. They, actually, were already friends from smarty-pants advanced language and math classes through the public school system. Me? I was a newbie (a word not yet invented, I don’t think) from a parochial school. Regardless, we became friends that fall and have managed to stay friends ever since. For awhile, in college, I would call them and say, “Do you realized that we’ve known each other for 5 years? 6 years? 7 years?” Such a long time. Then, at 28, it was, “Hey! I’ve known you for half my life!”

August always makes me think about that–since that’s the month I met them. And this August? I realize that our friendship is now old enough to drink. So when two of them came to my daughter’s birthday party this weekend (with their own children), we did. Margaritas with good friends–does it get better than that?

3 Replies to “My friendships are old enough to get into bars now”

  1. That's wonderful! Those long-lasting friendships are so intimate and fulfilling; all the shared history, code words, favorite memories. My best pal has had that dubious distinction for more than a quarter of a century. (I'm afraid I'm probably a fairly high-maintenance friend, so I think she should get the Purple Heart of friendships.)

    Congrats to you & the BFFs for knowing a good thing.

  2. I love this post because I have friends like this, too.

    Isn’t it a blessing?

    We can send our friendships into the liquor stores!

  3. It is alot of fun to be able to have a drink with a girlfriend while the kids play!

    I won your Bloggy Giveways keepsake ornament and I recieved it in the mail today! Just wanted you to know. Its going to my BFF in her baby shower goodie bag.

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