Fun with Froose

My daughter is a milk addict. Well, a vanilla-flavored, rice drink addict. It could be worse, but I’m trying to diversify her beverages of choice. She’ll drink water if it’s her only option, and she will have juice on occasion, but what else is appropriate for an allergy-ridden toddler to drink?

The good people at Froose have an answer for me. Froose is a new beverage designed with children in mind. It is a whole-food beverage, that combines the goodness of organic whole grains (yet it is gluten free) and fruit. It is made with brown rice syrup, which is a complex carbohydrate that makes it naturally low in sugar (7g sugar vs.regular 100% juice which has about 18g sugar per 4oz). Each 4 fl oz box contains 3g of fiber, which if you are parenting a toddler, you know that that is a very good thing.

Of course, something could be nutritious, but if it’s not delicious and appealing, then it’s all for nothing. As I opened a 3 pack of Froose, MAM noticed the cute moose on the front. She was very excited to pop in the straw and drink her “Moose Juice”. She drank it down in no time flat and asked for more. This means it passed the toddler taste test with flying colors. I’m thinking this will come in handy when she’s ill and doesn’t have much of an appetite, when we’re traveling and don’t have many healthy, pre-packaged options, and on days when, well, to be totally honest, I haven’t gone to the grocery to stock up on healthy snacks.

Froose is currently available online at, which is also chock full of nutritional information-go check it out!
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