This boy. This boy is currently hard to photograph, because he is soooo fast. In the past week, he has learned to walk, and his toddle is getting more sober by the day. He could be walking a straight line by the end of the month. Today he started standing up w/o pulling up–he’s learned to just stand up, no props needed.
As our little friends exclaimed yesterday, as he toddled to her, “He’s a toddler now!”
Almost done with week 2 of the 2009-2010 school year. Bedtimes are established, lunchboxes are being toted, daily reports from daycare are being received, and hey, we even have our first ear infection of the year (Jr, this time). We are up an running!!
Was PBS Kids in the Park just two months ago? Really?
It’s amazing how fast we can establish a routine around these parts. It almost feels like we never stopped leaving the house at 7:30 in the morning. It almost feels like summer vacation never happened.
Thea told me that I would love four. She was right. Four is agreeable, four is slightly more detailed conversation, four is slightly less dramatic and exhausting. Four is Fun.
Saturday the kids and I went made it to Conner Prairie, and had the
Pear, anyone? And she turned the general store into a pet shop.
We started our visit at the indoor play area, where there was a pioneer kitchen, a play farm (complete with a cow to milk), a general store and a giant train table. I think they would have stayed there forever if there wasn’t the promise of real live animals out in the barns. We saw animals, MAM petted said animals, Jr. roared at all of them. We rode the Tram (very exciting! It’s like a train, Mama, but it’s on the road!), and each time we saw the map, MAM stopped and found where we were, and where we were going. She retraced our entire route, each time she saw a map.
We played in a 19th century school house, walked through a covered bridge, saw a carpenter making the cross-bar of a window frame and played with the wood shavings. We smelled drying herbs, and saw the world’s largest hot air balloon.
We are here. And here is gooood.
Montessori Schmontessori, MAM sat right down with her primer and slate!