That’s what they call things like teething biscuits and what not–the food that’s hard enough baby can’t gnaw off a chunk (theoretically), but will dissolve with enough saliva.
So this weekend I bought some graham crackers–what a hit! It was hilarious. If I were up for mother of the year, I’d probably post some pics of this rite of passage. Who knows, we may get some photos up here yet.
Had a lovely visit with Grandma and Grandpa (my folks) this weekend–they are SUCH fans–of course she’s advanced, beautiful and perfect–just ask them! They came bearing some “dribble proof” bibs–cloth, but with some sort of new-aged polymer backing so that they don’t soak through so quickly. We’ll be field testing them this week. With 2 teeth in and more on the way, life’s a little soggy right now.
But in a good way.
It’s a year ago this week that we attended our first orientation/interviews with our agency. How’s that song from Rent go? “525,600 do you measure a year?” I don’t even know where to begin!!!