Clap Patty

The Babe has discovered clapping her hands, which, IMO, is one of her cutest discoveries yet! I know I say I’ll have to post pictures all the time, but now I really do. The look on her face is just priceless!!

Last night I had a dream that she could walk. That she just got up one day and walked. Now I know that surely one day she will, but was really freaky! Well, and it was freaky because she had thick blond hair in the dream, but it was definitely the Babe. Bizzaro.

So I should really post about Easter fun, and her new found love of cake and ice cream (we’re all about nutrition here), but I really must run. It seems like I’ve bitten off a bit more than I can chew in more than one arena in my life, so my thoughts aren’t really together for a real post.

Anyhoo, hopefully after the Relay For Life Silent Auction is over this weekend, I’ll have a little more internet time! I miss it!

Guess I Really am a Franciscan at Heart

You Are a Peacemaker Soul

You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can.
War or conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace.
You are a good mediator and a true negotiator.
Sometimes you do too much, trying so hard to make people happy.

While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental.
You lose respect for people who don’t like to both give and take.
On the flip side, you’ve got a graet sense of humor and wit.
You’re always dimplomatic and able to give good advice.

Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul

Visit #2

So today’s post is actually about the Babe’s actual adoption. Z turned 4 yesterday, and we were invited to his birthday party, so we had our 2nd visit with J & G since the Babe’s birth and hospital stay. Our first visit was in December, and then we tentatively set the next one to be around Z’s bday. So the invitation to the party was perfect!

For our first visit, we were nervous. This time though, it was more like going to see old friends we don’t see very often. It was at one of those hellacious Chuck E Cheese type places, our party was one of THREE going on in their “party room”. The upside to this was that there was lots going on, and the focus was on Z, and we were more like the “other” party guests as opposed to getting together for the sole purpose of them seeing the Babe.

So we chatted and visited and took lots of pictures. We saw J’s mom, G’s mom and grandma, Z’s bio dad, Z’s papaw (who is some relation to bio dad, but we’re not sure what), and several friends J had told us about. We saw the friend who came to visit J in the hospital, who has a little guy just a few weeks older than the Babe. She actually brought an outfit for the Babe–she said that she had intended to bring one to the hospital that day but didn’t have the chance!!!

We really did have a good time seeing everyone, and the Babe, was, as usual, a charmer. She smiled and cooed and let everyone hold her until she was past the point of tired. Even then, she was happy to bounce on my lap and play.

The weather was wonderful, and we spent sometime outside while Daddy and Z &G raced go-karts.

All in all, it was a good day and a great visit. We were concerned that the Babe would take the focus away from Z, but she didn’t. While everyone was happy to see her, it was still very much Z’s day, which is how it was supposed to be. We didn’t know if things would get very emotional, but they didn’t seem to be. It was like visiting friends or relatives we don’t see very often–very much like that. Which, for the moment, seems to be a good fit for us. We’ll see if it fits the Babe as she gets older!

I think we will get together in June sometime, and then again for the Babe’s first birthday (yikes!)….and then we’ll see where things lead us.