All Better

So weird–24 hour allergies, anyone?? The sniveling mess I put to bed on Wednesday night woke up Thursday just fine. A little sniffly, but her pretty eyes were all better and she didn’t sneeze once yesterday. SO WEIRD!

Guess I’ll add it to our list of weirdo questions for next week’s dr. appt. Among others:

Should she have a food reaction, how much Benadryl can I give her?

How do I switch over to whole milk?

Is Organic Milk really worth it? (it’s still cheaper than formula-how scary is that?)

She seems to be shuddering in her sleep–is that normal?

If she never decides to like juice, what else can she drink?

I’m sure there will be more questions by next week!

I knew you’d make me feel better!

Thanks, ladies! I should just leave this all to you!! And, as it turns out, the addresses I passed on to the agency (from other silent auction sources) are yeilding good results, so I’m technically responsible for all those donations as well. I just hate to look like a slacker!!

I’m really not–yesterday during nap I spent TWO HOURS on the phone soliciting places, of course everyone wants a fax or an email or a mailing on the event, and half the people were out of the office…..hopefully one more phone-a-thon and my list will be done. It wasn’t even a long list–but just a tedious task. I’m hoping my efforts will pay off and next year will be simplier.

Does anyone know if babies can have allergies?? The babe awoke with watery eyes, incredibly clear and runny nose and the sneezies. I’ve read conflicting info–some say they can, some say they can’t…regardless, you have to wait a few seasons to see if they are really allergies. It’s very weird! Once again, a sign that’s she’s in the right place…..sadly, we (I mean my side of the family) has MUCH experience with such things!!

$3000 in the bank

Not for me, but for the American Cancer Society, thanks to the auction that I helped put together through Relay For Life. Sunday was a success, and I should be feeling the satisfaction of a job well done (and over!). But, no, I’m just moving onto my next volunteer commitment–a silent auction for the Babe’s adoption agency. The meeting’s tonight and I get to admit to the group that I’ve scored 0 prizes because I’ve been slacking. Or I could log off right now and get on the phone, but I’m feeling unmotivated.

New Subject. So the Babe is now EVERYWHERE. So much more everywhere than she was, say, last week. Now she’s just cruising along everything, she’s gotten really fast at crawling and likes to “free stand” for short blips of time. Changing diapers has become a nightmare because she’s so wiggly and quite frankly, I don’t think she likes wearing pants. The waving and the clapping are simply adorable, and she turns on the charm whenever she wants to make a new friend.

Fun Food: Grilled cheese, frozen peas, pizza, cereal bars, frozen waffles, chicken stir fry, ice cream, cake, icing and whole bananas. Yes, she’ll just sit in her highchair and eat a WHOLE freakin’ banana.

In review, this post is pretty lame. I’m hopefully I’ll feel more inpsired after naptime, which is starting now. ‘Night night!