What I did on my summer vacation, by M.A.M, age 11 months

Ok, so I’m finally home from my crazy road-trip vacation with Mommy and Daddy!!

We spent most of our time at Grandma and Grandpa’s, which was a lot of fun. They have a nice set of stairs to climb up and down, and SO MANY cabinets to open!! And they ALL open!! I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with the cabinets.

I had a fun time with my friend Neysa, and the two of us had SO MUCH FUN at Aunt Beth’s and Uncle Brian’s. My cousins, Anna and Noah, have a very fun backyard. It was so much fun that Mom and I went back to play later in the week.

I had a fun time singing with Great Grandma, she’s so funny. She has nice dollys at her house, I liked them so much I walked 10-15 steps to get them. All of her neighbors liked visiting with me, and eating lunch in the dining room was so much fun! I played peek-a-boo with the table cloth, and all the servers thought I was sooo funny.

On Thursday Mom decided that we needed to go see friends in Michigan, so I got to meet her friends Amy and Mark, and visit with my friends Catherine and Elizabeth while mommy visited with Miss Jennifer. What was the best was that Catherine and Elizabeth have dog!! Tuesday is so friendly and cuddly and I love her!! I like to play with her tail, pet her, hug her and chase her. I got up early Friday morning to play with her, but after we played for a few minutes she wanted to go outside.

I also got to visit most of my cousins, including Jimmy, who’s only a few days old! Mom says that I used to be that little, but I don’t believe her. He couldn’t even play with his toys or even roll over! I hope he grows up fast so we can play together!

Ok, I’m off to take a nap now–we got home very late last night and I need to rest–tomorrow I’m going back to Rainbow. I can’t wait to tell Ms. L all about my trip!

a very full week

We are still at Grandma’s (our visit being extended by a few days due to the arrival of a new cousin!**), and it’s been one of those “milestone” weeks. She had one in February where all of a sudden she was crawling and climbing and so forth.

This week, it’s been about talking, and walking and everything in between–we’ve got ‘ba ba”, “woof woof”, “quack quack”, “da da”, “ma ma”, and “uh oh”. She’s fluent in Baby-ese–she reads along to books and narrates her activities with the cutest little sounds. Sometimes, she cracks herself up! She’s also starting doing the sign for “more”, which is handy in the high chair.

She’s also started going to sleep rather calmly–rather than letting me soothe her to almost sleeping, she wriggles of out my arms, reaching for the pack and play and lays down quietly with bunny and blanket (instead of trying to climb out). She’s also taking formula out of a sippy cup during meals instead of a ba. And REALLY leading games of peek-a-boo. And boogie-ing down the stairs (safely) like nobody’s business. The walking is also really coming along–5-10 steps at a time when she’s into it, and definitely cruising along with more determination and confidence than before.

Ok, I found my blog…..but now where is my baby????

**L’s sister gave birth to our new nephew, James Robert on July 5th. He’s a big boy (8lbs 15 oz, 21 inches long). Now M has 2 younger cousins on that side of the family, and 5 older…and it’s evenly split, 4 boys, 4 girls. We are going to Chicago to visit on Saturday, “on our way” home. They are so little and scrunchy for such a short time!!!

F-ing WEIRD!

I bet this sh*t doesn’t happen at Typepad or where all the other rich bloggers hang out. As many of you know because you let me know, this blog was MIA for days. THANK YOU for asking me about it!

Anyway, tonight I decided to write a new post to see if that would do the trick, and it appears to be doing just that. How bizarre.

So…..news of note?

I’m on vacation this week at a lovely little lake town in NW Indiana–OK, it’s home to the State Penn, but don’t let that ruin the imagery. I’m having fun giving grandma lots of grandma time, which is good for all involved. Unfortunately, Baby Girl is teething like a fiend and really wanting MOM 24/7. I don’t really mind, I just wish I could make her feel better.

I got to see the younger of my two brothers do manual labor today, that was amusing. He’s earning some tax free $$ by repainting part of the estate. He needs it for his whopper of an electric bill and other things since he’s currently, as they say, “between jobs'”. Anyway, watching him work was fun.

We did see most of the cousins this weekend, which was a ball–Baby Girl is getting old enough to be engaged in things with the other kids, and she loves all of them!

OK, let’s see if GOTCHA BABY is back up to stay!