Make it Three: Potty Time?

Ok, this is CRAZY….but M has started looking for places to sit when she needs to go potty. Seriously. What’s so crazy about that??? Let me count the ways:

1. She’s 12 months old!!

2. I noticed

3. I felt the need to blog about it.

Of those 3, which is the craziest part? I’m not sure. Anyway, tonight during “naked time” (after bath) she totally and purposefully sat on the top stair and peed. And Grandma’s, she sat in the booster seat (it was on the floor) and pooed. Yesterday she carried her stool (piece of furniture, not bodily waste) into the bathroom where I was and sat on it next to me. Am I crazy?!?!? (and for which part?)

And this is probably why that cartoon from a few days ago has me laughing outloud (still).

Full circle

Last year, we went our Dr.’s office for M’s first post-hospital visit/examination. Exactly one year later, we went back for her 1 yr appt. My how she’s grown!!

August 2005:Arrives in infant carrier, sound asleep. She weighs in at a healthy 8lbs, 9oz; up 6oz from her birthweight. She measures 22 inches, a 1/2 longer than in the hospital. We get the OK to switch her to generic formula, and the office staff oohs and ahs over this little miracle. We discuss her birthfamily/medical history a little bit, the doctor’s glad we can contact them if there’s ever a medical issue.

August 2006:Climbs out of her forward facing car seat, walks into office on her own steam. She weighs in at 23lbs, 7oz. and measures 31 3/4″ tall. The doctor chats about what she’s eating, how childproof our house is, does she have any words yet, and how she’s playing. He’s happy that she’s doing fine on whole milk, and he encourages me to have her weaned from the bottle by about 18 months. He’s happy to hear that she’s happy go lucky, and there are no issues!!

So in one year, our baby has grown from helpless infant into the world’s happiest, most curious toddler. She’s almost tripled her birthweight and grown almost a foot. She’s learned a language, how to hold her head up, sit up, crawl, climb, stand and walk. She’s learned how to feed herself, hold her own bottle, drink from a variety of cups, and how to use a spoon and fork.

How amazing is that?? She did have to get her chicken pox shot today, which she was NOT happy about, and she totally held it against the nurse afterward, which is a new thing. But she came home and is taking a nice nap, God bless her!


What’s a first birthday like in an open adoption? In our case, loads of fun! On M’s actual birthday, J called from work to say hello. She was at work, so I couldn’t really tell how she was handling everything, but she called to say happy birthday and can you believe it’s been a year?
In some ways it amazes me that the planets aligned to bring us all together the way that they did.

We finalized our plans for the following Saturday.

This past Saturday we met J, G & Z at the zoo for M’s b-day visit. We borrowed a wagon (the cool kind with seats and cupholders) and had a great time. Seriously, it’s a lot like visiting with in-laws or cousins or something. We enjoyed our time together, there was lots of laughing and talking. They enjoyed seeing M, and she warmed up to them right away. She and Z were hilarious in the wagon together. We all enjoyed the animals, we caught up on our families, and had a good time. They brought her a collectible Barbie–the Leo one, which is her sign, you know! I brought a pan of brownies, so we popped in the “#1” candle and sang happy birthday and clapped one more time for baby girl. Then we said our good byes (nap time in a serious way) and said we’d be in touch, and of course, pictures would be emailed shortly!