It finally happened

The Monkey has her first ear infection. While it stinks, it’s not nearly as bad as what I was bracing myself for. Actually, left up to me, we may not have had a diagnosis as soon as we did. Remember how I said she fell 2x in 15minutes Tuesday night?? Well, on Wednesday, M’s teacher greeted me with, “first, let me say, we are not beating your child…” M had lost her balance and crashed into the table and now has a bruise and a cut under her eye!!! So sad. Then they tell me she’s been pulling on her ears. On my way out, the director stops and mentions that sometimes those are signs of an ear infection… on my way out the door, I call the Dr’s office (which is literally across the street from Rainbow–how great is that?) and they can see us in 30 minutes. So we kill time by going to the bank, and the Dr. then confirms that yes, BOTH EARS appear to be infected.

So we then schlep it over to Meijer’s drive thru pharmacy, drop of the script, kill time walking around the store and by 5pm, she’s got her first dose of her meds down. Honestly, she’s doing OK, and I think her teeth are bugging her more than her ears. Except that she’s doing this crazy head bob from side to side, so she may be feeling something there.


The big gala I’ve been working on is tomorrow night! I’m so excited. As I type, I have a few items in my car, including sample portraits from Jennifer Driscoll photography. I was blown away by what I saw in her studio. She also does, instead of photo albums, the photobooks you can order on . I LOVE THEM and totally want to make one of our own of M’s first year. I may try to bid on the sitting she donated….but her services are a bit out of our league. The price her wedding packages start at is about what all my photos, cake, flowers, and dress cost….PUT TOGETHER. Anyway, they are awesome, and if you can use her, please do….she’s a supporter of our adoption agency and a very nice lady!!

There’s more talk at work (that I found out late this afternoon) about changing hours and schedules and what not…..which once again makes me question my job security. Which is sad, becuase I’m really enjoying my role right now. But I truly can’t work 12-6pm every day of the week, so if push comes to shove, I guess I’ll be pushed out the door. There’s LOTS of crazy crap flying around the building….sort of a mutiny. Without any sort of personnel boss currently, a few of the teachers are getting a little out of control with the controlling of things in the school. Honest to God, yesterday two were arguing how to sort the trash from what needs to be donated to Goodwill. Seriously, everyone there’s gone a little batty.

Anyway, I’ve got a few things that could possibly work out as alternative employment options. L being in school makes it trickier, because daycare will have to be factored in, but at least now I know I can do it. Or we can make more changes and I can be SAHM, which would be good too. Although I’m liking our routine now more than I thought I would in the beginning. We’ll have to wait and see, I suppose.

Mama’s girl… a great mama!

So here’s the Divine Miss M, looking to be about what, 7, 8 years old here in her polo shirt, pushing her doll.

For her *last* First birthday party this weekend, she recieved a diaper bag for her baby–now she can travel in style, with all assorted things needed when traveling across the living room with her brood.

Today she was feeding baby–going through all of the good things to eat in the fake-food department, and carefully choosing what it was she was going to feed the babe. Her choices? Blueberry muffin and a pear. I couldn’t have picked better myself. The cutest thing? She makes the “mmmm” noises as she shoves the plastic food at the baby doll!!

She had a lovely domestic afternoon, which I was glad for, given how the evening turned out. Within the course of about 15 minutes, she smacked her head on the dining room table (slipping off the stool she was STANDING ON) and then fell down the last two stairs while attempting to swing on the banister. She has a goose egg on her forehead and a puffy lip from where she bit it. OUCH!

In other news, the new school term is off to a good start. I’m liking being the 2nd in command. It’s really nice to leave all the school stuff at the door and not really think about it until the next day. Last week I worked more (no students, just prepping for the new term) and really didn’t do any errand running or anything before I picked up M at her school. Last week KICKED MY ASS. I am so not ready to work more than 25-30hrs a week outside the home. Holy cow. Seriously, tired like caring for a newborn tired, but w/o the new mom high.

Speaking of the new mom high, I started telling M stories in the bath tub today about when she was a “baby”–tales from last fall when we would sing her to sleep, walk around the back yard for seemingly hours because she like outside better than inside. How we gave her baths in her little tub, and they were just long enough to get her clean. I told her all these things and sang some the songs we used to sing all while she played with her foam letters and the pitcher from her new Elmo bath toy. How do you go from having to be given a sponge bath because your umbical stump can’t get wet to POURING WATER on yourself in splasing in 12 months or less? I mean, seriously!

In Honor of Sesame Street’s New Season

You Are Cookie Monster

Misunderstood as a primal monster, you’re a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.

You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you’ll eat anything if cookies aren’t around.

You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking

How you life your life: In the moment. “Me want COOKIE!”

The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

Can you tell that L’s out late tonight, baby girl’s in bed and there’s nothing on TV? Seriously,the new Sesame Street season (36 or 37) it started Monday and they are debuting a new girl-monster. I forget her name. Anyway, this quiz is cute because as you answer the questions, you can totally see which characters they are thinking of for the answers.

Ok, I’m leaving my computer now and going to read a book. And eat some pudding.