Doped Up

Yesterday did not go as planned. Remember how I said I had an EMG earlier this week?? Well, yesterday I called to follow up, and to let the Doc know that my leg pain was getting worse–much worse. The PA had my results, and told me that yes. I do have a pinched nerve, I’d be getting an order for some PT, and since the pain was back, she’d call in some medication.

The medication (strong anti-inflammatory) did NOTHING. Didn’t touch the pain AT ALL. I was miserable all evening (couldn’t even lift M ). L put M to bed, and I was still in pain. When I started crying because I couldn’t put on my socks, L told me to get in the car, we were headed to the ER. I felt awful about it–dragging M out at 9pm, but we had no other choice.

In the ER I told the doc the deal, and he promised he’d get the pain under control until I can get into the office on Monday. So I took an oral steroid, and got TWO shots. One was an anti-inflammatory, the other MORPHINE. Here’s the kicker–an hour later, I was still in pain. It took another shot of morphine to get any relief whatsoever. And really, it just relaxed the rest of me–it didn’t touch my leg pain at all.

I got in at about 12:30 last night, L dropped me off and took M___through a drive through 24 hour pharmacy to get my prescriptions, they rolled in about 1:15am. What troopers.

The kicker? I was awake by 7:30, M by 8am!! And while my back muscles have relaxed, my leg still hurts. It’s tolerable, but not as good as I think it should be, given that I am on FOUR different kinds of meds to control swelling and pain. Yikes!

I’m hoping the PT helps, and then maybe the therapist will have a magic wand to wave?!?! Maybe I can get a morphine drip for home?


I think it is safe to announce that Baby Girl is almost completely better!! She’s been awake more, eating more, the rash is almost gone, the green oozing is done, and she’s, well, back to her fiesty self. What a relief!!

A Different Subject All Together

When I originally got the phone call, I didn’t think that it was overly odd. It wasn’t till I actually started to recount the story that I started thinking, “WTF?”

Last week I got a phone call confirming L’s upcoming dental appt. We knew that it would be an expensive co-pay, and the receptionist calling kindly quoted the amount so that we would be prepared on Monday morning.

Then she added, “You know, we are currently running a special right now to help people catch up on deliquent accounts. Your account is in good standing, but I’ll extend the offer to you anyway. If you pay in cash on Monday, you’ll save 10%.”

“Oh cool. So is a check or direct debit card OK?” I ask, jazzed about a potential discount.

“No, it actually has to be cash.”

Ok! Thankfully our bank (in Meijer, of course) has Saturday counter hours, because the amount needed was beyond what I could take out at the ATM in one shot. I sent L off to the dentist with more actual cash then we usually touch in a month (having a cash back debit card).

In hindsight, it was very mafia-esque. I mean, they’ll have to deposit the cash just like they’d have to deposit a check. They are going through our insurance company, so it’s not like it’s an unrecorded, under the table transaction.

Am I wrong here? Am I missing something?

Sooner or later…

Apparently, the virus will be leaving later. The rash is just a symptom of the virus, or that’s the speculation anyway. It amazes me that in say 50 years of “modern” medicine, no progress has been made in the way of such things as viral infections. Ok, I know that’s not really true, but come on! I was talking to a co-worker last night (the one I’ve called now, six nights in a row to inform of my absence) and she said that she had a similiar thing every fall as a kid. She asked her mom, and she verified all the symptoms, and what the doctor said about each one. I don’t know if it’s comforting or not that the course of treatment is the same as it was in 1977. Seriously. My other consolation is that my friend’s son seems to have gotten the same bug–he’s 4 1/2 so he was only waylayed for about 5 days, but his symptoms were identical, sans rash.

Today M slept in (again) , logging a total of 13 hours of night time sleep. She was up for about 3 hours, drank a little, ate a little (she’s partial to bagels these days) and then was ready for a nap. She’s going on hour four of said nap.

I took this opportunity to watch a movie, Akeelah and the Bee. OMG, such a GREAT movie!! Seriously, check it out. Very upbeat, uplifting, cute and funny, clean, all around family fun. Totally good movie for all. Slightly predictable, but not annoyingly so.

Tomorrow L is staying home with M–so I can make an appearance at work, get out of the germ-infested house and go to a dr’s appt. You know it’s sad when you are looking forward to having an EMG. Ok, that’s a lie, I’m not looking forward to the actual shock-treatment like test I’ll be getting, but I’m looking forward to solving the weird sensations that have been plaguing my right leg for awhile now.

Not much else is new today. I missed the balloon launch at school–we are beginning to count down the 100 days to the 100th anniversary of the Montessori movement. We even had speical staff t-shirts made and everything. I don’t live far from school, but didn’t see any balloons in the sky at the appointed time. The school is working on getting the funds to send the entire staff to San Fransico in February, where there will be the annual professional development course as well as a centenary celebration. Included will be a trip to the grounds where the “glass classroom” was on display at the 1915 world’s fair. How cool is that???