Until recently, I didn’t get the whole “drive up window” concept. Sure it was nice when it was raining, but that’s just because I was lazy. Now, however, I have a whole new appreciation for businesses who know the value of the drive up window: moms with small children will flock to you in droves.
More than likely invented by a mom with 2-3 children under the age of 5, I’ve been amazed at what I can do if I only plan my day right. Here are the drive up’s that I currently frequent:
1) Drive up pharmacy
2) Drive up Dry Cleaners
3) Drive up banking
4) Drive up library drop-off. I actually go to a branch across town for this specific feature.
5) Drive up water service (the nice boys take out my 5 gal. empties and put the filled containers in my trunk!)
6 months ago I revelled in errand running as an opportunity to log steps on my pedometer. Ha. Now I just hope for a carseat nap and leave it at that.
Businesses I wish would jump on the drive up bandwagon:
1) The post-office (I need 16 2cent stamps, damnit!)
2) The grocery store. (how cool would it be to get your order thru a drive thru–already bagged and everything?!?)
Any other brilliant ideas out there, dear readers???