Filing the Adoption Petition

The paperwork came yesterday for filing AFM’s adoption petition. Basically, our lawyer files this petition, then a SW does a follow up visit to make sure we’re all adjusting, and we get a court date for finalization. MAM’s adoption was finalized almost 4 months to the day she was born, and we are expecting this one to run in about the same.

I has to laugh at some of the legalize, “…said minor possesses no real or personal property of his own…..” yeah, when you are placed at 4 days of age, pretty much you come with the disposable diaper on your back 🙂

In reading about filing MAM’s petition (I sure am glad I document this stuff somewhere), I’ve made a mental note to enclose a check this time.

It’s Time to Open Your Eyes

Son, there’s something we need to tell you.

Just so you know, um, we financed part of your adoption through, um, well, this is hard to say.

Um, well, son, your daddy danced for the money. It’s really a funny story. Honest.

We won’t tell your friends if you don’t want us to.

The website has been updated to showcase everyone’s winning moves!! BgK and I were really impressed with the editing–it’s a lot of fun to watch. Enjoy!

Riding Home

Thank you, internet friends, for all of your prayers and wishes….you and a convent full of Fransicans sisters in Bergen County, NJ seem to have done the trick.

J was never wavering about her decision to place. She just had an idea of how the day was going to go, and it did not go that way. So she made a new plan, and she and MB were at the agency right on time this afternoon.

They signed their papers, we arrived and we visited for a bit, and they said good bye to Baby A.

We did our thing, decompressed a little with the social worker, and bundled the baby in the carseat.

Now we’re home–he’s in his Hotsling, MAM’s watching Cars, Grandma and Grandpa are making a pizza/paci run, and BgK’s on the phone inviting people over. Just a day in the life of a family of four.