If you give a toddler an Easter egg…

she’s likely to shake it with great delight.

Then she’ll discover it OPENS.

And discover it contains candy.

She will, after 2 tries, master the art of unwrapping candy.

She will hand you the “trash” while putting the entire piece of chocolate in her mouth and running away, lest you try to take her candy.

If you give a toddler an Easter egg, she will be on the hunt for more.

She will find every egg in Grandma’s house.

She will learn the difference between the sound a quarter makes when being shaken and a piece of chocolate. And she will drop the $$ eggs so as to keep her hands free for the chocolate eggs.

She will find a stash of eggs the grown ups thought were out of sight.

She will go from room to room, searching for more chocolate. More egg-EEESS. More EGG-EE’s. More EGG-EE’s!!!

She will not take a nap. She will not sleep much in the car on the ride home. She will be awake and conversing to herself at 9:30pm.

If you give a toddler an Easter Egg.

Two-for-one bonus

Until further notice, M will be referred to as SUPER STREAK, due to her joy in being naked and current severe aversion to being dressed.

Well, bonus is a strong word. Convenience is really more acurate. The three of us all see the same family doc, and it’s days like today that is a huge part of the reason why.

Tuesday I awoke with a sinus headache. Really, nothing pissess me off more than waking up with a headache–I mean, truely, what a crappy way to wake up. So after two days of trying to self-medicate, it was time to go to the doctor today.

For the past few days, Super Streak has been digging and pulling on her right ear. Other than that, she’s been fine, minus the stripping and the crankieness I chalked up to being closer to 2 than to 1. So when I called for myself today, I RSVP’d for her too.

Turns out, we got our double co-pay’s worth today–I have a sinus infection and she has an ear infection. (In just one ear, which is better than the bilateral she usually gets) We did our usual drive-thru pharmacy stop, and got our first doses down by 4pm today.

When L stopped in on his way to class tonight, he said I looked like I was ready to drive the car into the lake (honestly, I was too tired to even think about driving). He stayed home, and I took a THREE hour nap. THREE hours.

I woke up just in time to put Super Streak to bed. When L went to check on her, she was only wearing a shirt around her waist. That’s it. More illustrations on her new nickname in the days to come, because it is, officially, SPRING BREAK.

With that, my internet friends, I am going back to bed.


You know what this blog is good for?? Helping to remember all sorts of thing about M and her health. Seriously. Upon returning home on Sunday, Monkey Girl had a bit of a cough, then started feeling warm….Monday morning, she was up to 100.7! So I’ve been home yesterday and today, and we are making arrangements for tomorrow as well. Here’s the thing though–compared to what I wrote about last Sept/Oct, this is NOTHING. She’s eating, drinking, and playing. She’s sleeping, but not crazy 17 hour stints like she did last fall. She’s sort of pathetic, but I don’t feel compelled to call the doctor just yet. There’s a ton of sickness going around everywhere, so I shouldn’t be too surprised that she’s picked something up (or that my throat hurts). All things considered, this illness isn’t too bad! (ask me how I feel thursday, if she’s still sick and starting to encroach upon our weekend plans with cousins!)