So I feel like I can start the new year now, just one week behind the rest of the world.
I had my polyps (turns out, there was a trio living quite happily down there) removed yesterday, no problem. I was a little woozy today (not at all yesterday), but it’s passing. L got some steroids yesterday, and for the first time in almost three weeks he seems more like himself. The swelling isn’t so bad, the chills are gone, and he has an appt with a specialist in 10 days. If nothing else, we can confirm if it was a weirdo virus or wacky disease or whatever. Thankfully, my fantastic mom was able to come down and take care of all three of us (monitor me and L, and chase after baby). I seriously don’t know what we would have done without her!
Today is my last week day of winter break, and while I’m sad, in a way, I’m also looking forward (somewhat) to diving back into the drama on Monday. Ok, not the drama part. But the teaching part, the part where I’m with the children? I’m looking forward to that. And that’s a good sign!
Today (before the woozy-ness set in) we went to story hour at the library, and played with other babies, which was fun. M was the oldest one there by about 3 months, 10 lbs and 4 inches. Seriously, she looked like a kindergartener next to these petite bebes. But they all played very well, and while it didn’t tire her out enough to really nap today (gasp!), she was hungry for a HUGE lunch.