One more thought on babywearing…

The Hotsling is all fun and games until someone (who shall remain nameless) blows out his (hint!hint!) diaper while in said Hotsling. Ew. Double Ew.

Updated to add: yes, you can machine wash the sling, and then air dry it over night. Also, accidents like this can be avoided if your mom is smart enough to realize that you are growing and maybe those newborn diapers aren’t cutting it anymore!

One Reply to “One more thought on babywearing…”

  1. Oh yeah – LOVE it! So – how washable is the sling? Please – do tell all.. And can you dry it in the dryer? If not, how long does it take to hang dry?????? (And do you just sling him up in an extra dish towel in the mean time – tee hee!)

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