Happy Birthday, Z!

MAM’s birth brother, Z, is six years old today. He’s celebrating with two girlfriends, his uncle and his mom at Chuck E. Cheese this afternoon. Hopefully, we’ll get to see them this weekend. I can’t believe he is SIX now–it just seems so old. He was three when we met him in the summer of 2005. I know three year olds. I know four and five year olds pretty well too. But six? What do you get a six year old for his birthday? Can you still pass off clothes as a gift? Are matchbox cars still the perennial safe gift? I don’t know! I will have to talk to J and see how this afternoon went, and then plan our gift-giving accordingly. What’s fun is that this year MAM can definitely make him a card, and say and sing “Happy Birthday!”

2 Replies to “Happy Birthday, Z!”

  1. A’s nephew “Beke” is 6 now. He is a clothes horse, and loves to get them – especially if they resemble his fave superheroes or Army guys…

    He LOVES Legos! they have nice, small Lego sets out now. they’re inexpensive, so I usually get him 2. Tar-zhay is where I guy them.

    Aside from that, he always asks for his “own” books ( meaning, not from the library -ones he can keep).

    Happy Shopping!

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