You mean She Didn’t Care About the Cupcake?

I think every parent wants her child to be just a little better than she is at something. Maybe you can’t sing and want to make sure your child gets the chance. Maybe you never had the chance to be a Girl Scout so you are sure to sign your daughter up at the first available chance.

Maybe you have food issues and are trying your darnedest to help your daughter avoid the same pitfalls.

Turns out, maybe either I’m doing something right or MAM’s just too busy to have food issues right now.

Yesterday when I picked her up, MAM was most excited about an Easter egg ring she was sporting. Turns out her class had a special treat–cupcakes with the decoration that looked like an Easter egg, but really turned out to be an egg you could wear! How exciting!!!

My thought, however, immediately turned to the cupcake, that obviously, MAM did not partake in. I questioned the teacher–was she upset? (no) did she get a treat from her treat box? (it was empty. crap! how did i let it get empty?) did she try to take one? (no) was she ok? (all implying: OMG! THE OTHER CHILDREN GOT A TREAT! MAM DIDN’T! WILL SHE BE EMOTIONALLY SCARRED FOR LIFE?)

Apparently, MAM couldn’t have cared less. She got raisins and rice crisps and a clean plastic egg ring and she was good to go.

So why does it bother me? It’s happened about 5 or 6 times where there’s been a “special” occasion and there’s nothing too special about her ‘treat’ and she’s yet to pitch a fit. Is it that I’m waiting for the bomb to drop? Is it because I can’t resist a treat if it’s housed in the same building where I am? ? ? ? ? It looks like my work is actually to avoid creating an issue where there obviously isn’t one at the moment.

One Reply to “You mean She Didn’t Care About the Cupcake?”

  1. I know this post is old, but I found it while browsing around for NaComLeavMo. 🙂

    My son is 6 and has TONS of food allergies. The same type of thing happened to him in preschool, and it was no big deal. However now that he’s a bit older, it can be harder for him. I think you’re good for a few more years … I wouldn’t worry any until she’s older.

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