Top Christmas Quotes so far

Two Thirds of the Kahuna Clan with Santa
Originally uploaded by babykahuna

“It’s Ho Ho Claus!”

“Christmas Tree music, please!”

“Jesus birthday coming!”

“Oh my goodness! A Christmas tree! In my house!”

Santa, “M, what would you like for Christmas?”
M, “A book.”
Santa,” What kind of book?”
M, “A paper book”

On spying a cany cane display, “Ho Ho’s Candy!”

On spying the angel in her Nativity set, “It’s an Angel of God, my guardian dear!” (recited as the first line of the prayer by the same name)

We are truly enjoying the most wonderful time of the year. What’s sweet about this year is that while she’s excited, she really has no idea why. And her only request is a paper book.

How are your little ones (or big ones) enjoying the season?

2 Replies to “Top Christmas Quotes so far”

  1. How precious:) A paper book – you can sure take care of that, huh? Let’s hope her lists always stay so easy!
    And yep, I taught for five years prior to Lily being born. I’m home mostly with her now, but I’m teaching a class or two at a local college to kind of keep my foot in the education door. I really miss teaching high school students, though! I hate to post questions on a comment (do you have my email address?), but what age do you teach? Isn’t it a great job for having a family?

  2. She is so adorable! I like the one about the C’mas tree in her house. And the angel quote.

    We’re having fun with:

    Pulling MAM’s ornament off the tree (the one you sent the year she was born? W/ her picture? – It’s the only one he bothers on the tree. He’s brought it to me twice now. (I say, Yep! It’s M!)

    Making Chex mix with him WAS A BLAST! HE LOVED measuring and (eating) pouring all the cereal. Hope you get to enjoy yours (have it on the sly after she goes to sleep, since I think it would be hard to make allergen-free type).

    Reading Christmas books.

    Believe it or not, I turned on a C’mas special one evening and said he could watch it- I think it was either Rudolph or the one w/ the Freeze Meister. LOVE IT – he didn’t care one whit about the TV!

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