Faux Scabies and Holiday fun

I am back from a blogcation without a stunning amount of inspiration. Really, I just don’t want to get back into the swing of things tomorrow. Is there anything appealing about getting up at 5:45am on a Tuesday? Anything at all?

Anyway, to recap the last week or so:

1. MAM’s scabies are probably not scabies. My SIL who’s a nurse in the inner city, has seen many a scabie, and she says that not only does her rash not look like what she’s seen, but that there’s no way I’d escape being infected either. Which means that we still don’t know what the rash really is, and that I did A LOT of hot water laundry for naught, but so it goes. I’d rather it not be a parasitic infection, so I’m counting our blessings.

2. Dinner at afermentioned SIL’s house was fun–5 kids aged 5 and under, 9 grown ups aged 31-36, 1 patriarch, lots of beer and conversation makes for a fun time. We also decided on the annual sibling gift exchange–BOOZE BASKETS. Yes, everyone is to put together a basket of the booze. We may have to rename our Christmas celebration Blitzed-mas. But I think for the first time ever there will be 100% participation.

3. The rest of the weekend was fun as well–a little black Friday shopping–nothing crazy, but there were good deals to be had. A fun family party Friday night, complete with Wii amusement, lots of visiting and coffee and cookies and pie the rest of the weekend.

4. Today we took an “extra” day–BgK had an invitation to yesterday’s football game on Lakeshore Drive, and there was no way we were driving back after that. So we stayed an extra night, and got back this afternoon. Sheer brilliance. I loved every minute of my extra day of lounging, and I’m loving that this week is now a 4 day week.

I hope that all of you had a relaxing time with friends and family, and are ready to start the next season of celebrating!! Next up on our list: eek out a space for our Christmas tree in our very crowded townhouse!!

3 Replies to “Faux Scabies and Holiday fun”

  1. Well, I am glad it wasn’t scabies. We had a scabies scare years ago. I took my son to the dr for what I thought might be scabies, and the dr chuckled and said it was not. I was freaked out, though. No fun!

  2. I am LOVING having 2 days after the 4 day weekend to work at home before I head into the office tomorrow. It made Sunday SO much less stressful – knowing we weren’t driving back to a mad rush of laundry, week readiness, laundry catch-up, and having to tear myself away from the toddler right away. The best thing is these 2 extra days help me get him back on schedule and avoid crazy day on Monday…..

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