A Virtual Tour

Since our house is one of sickness, don’t come in! Just stay at home, in front of your computer, and enjoy the view.

THE TREE. You can’t really see it here, but you get the idea. Lots of white lights, some blue. Mostly decorated with teddy bears and snowmen, topped with a silver star.
At the base of the tree is M’s nativity set. It only looks like this after she goes to bed. Mostly, she crashes the stable down. But I think she’ll catch on, eventually.
The mantel has been decorated too! Again, you can’t see it too well, but the stockings are hung on stocking holders that spell J O Y. There’s snowmen up there, as well as a nativity snow globe.
This is M’s favorite holiday decoration this year. Press his foot and “Jingle Bells” starts….and a little snowman pops out of the top hat. Does it get any better than that?
M in front of the fireplace, enjoying her favorite blanket in her new chair from Grandma and Grandpa (an early Christmas delivery).


4 Replies to “A Virtual Tour”

  1. What a cozy picture of M by the fire in that sweet little chair!
    I’m glad I wasn’t the only one just now getting my tour posted!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Thank you for the tour, how exciting! Everything looks beautiful, especially M!

    I hope L is on the mend. We miss you guys!

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