A trio of healthcare issues

Yes, it’s still Thursday, and yes, I’m posting again. Not because I really *want* to, but because I “need” to, if it’s possible that blogging has moved from the luxury to necessities list. I need to get it all out somewhere, and people are busy with Christmas things, so this seems to be the best outlet.

Anyway, Baby Girl is blissfully asleep. She did really well today, even considering we spent a chunk of the afternoon back at the same medical complex where we were this morning with her. Seriously, due to construction, there’s free valet at the hospital/med group and sure enough, at 1:25, I pulled up to drop L off and there was the same valet guy that parked us pre-surgery this morning.

SO….L doesn’t have the flu. Phew. But he’s being tested for things like Lyme disease and rhuematic fever. Seriously. And we’re not certain the tests will be back tomorrow. So we may have to wait til TUESDAY. Tuesday, people. Seriously.

AND….as we are on our way out the door to take L to said health complex, the PA at said office calls me with reports on my girl parts. And they are behaving badly, and I need an GYN. I have avoided GYN’s because they tend to also have the OB part in front of them, and frankly, that does nothing for me. After we consulted with the RE a few years ago and determined we’d be adopting, my GYN issues (which have been few) have always been taken care of by my regular doctor. Til now.

Conveniently, the OB/GYN I’m being referred to is just around the corner from my doc–he’s suite 210, OB/GYN is suite 230. So once L is called back for his appt, Baby Girl (still in her PJ’s) and I go over and introduce ourselves and I get an appt for January 2nd. And conveniently, they give me some paperwork that needs information our family doctor has. So again, while L’s being checked out, I efficiently get some information for myself at the office. And I tell the receptionist that I REALLY hope we won’t be seeing each other til sometime next year.

Once L is finished there, we trek down to the lab for his blood tests, and then go retrieve our car from the valet guy we’ve gotten to know well today. Honestly, all of this has happened in the span of a what, 8 hours??

Again, we’re not dying, it’s not a huge crisis, really, but still. Stack one thing on top of the other, and the tower is bound to wobble a bit, KWIM?

One Reply to “A trio of healthcare issues”

  1. Wow, I don’t know what to say. Here is what I know: I am PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING SO HARD that you guys are able to travel up north for a great Christmas weekend away, you deserve it! I hope L feels better NOW, I hope M continues to sleep blissfully (what a good girl!) and I hope your girly parts turn out to be just fine.

    I think I’ll take your gift back and buy you a JUG OF WINE!! LOL!

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