Life Lessons and Let(-ting) It Go

Life Lessons and Let(-ting)It GoChildhood is continually marked with milestones and firsts. This time of year, it’s also marked with lasts. This is my last month as mom of a kindergartener, last month of having any kids under five, and so many more. But I like to look forward, so let’s concentrate on the firsts.

The girl participated in her first May Crowning at church.

The boy played in his first tee ball game.

The girl will complete her first session of gymnastics.

The boy will participate in his first field day at school .

The girl also had her first-ever audition. She’d been mulling over trying out for the school talent show ever since seeing some friends on the stage last year. Her performance ideas varied as the year past, but when the audition form came home at the end of April, she was confident in her decision. She would audition for the talent show by singing “Let It Go.” Maybe you’ve heard it before. Are you familiar with the movie Frozen???

She learned the correct lyrics and we practiced the karaoke version. We downloaded the instrumental version of the song and charged her iPod. I marked the calendar with the audition date.

And I wondered. I wondered how she sounded compared to the other singers. I wondered how many girls were going to get up and sing “Let It Go” with the same hopeful look in their eyes. I even wondered if there would be a “Let It Go” chorus, where the scores of girls auditioning could all take part.

I saw what a production this was when I picked Meg up after her audition- there were over 140 acts auditioning, and auditions were taking place in three separate areas of the school. Panels of judges were in each room, scoring each act on a few different measures. 140 acts auditioning, and 20 being cast in the show.

I didn’t see Meg pull the letter out of her backpack and read it. When she handed it to me, the look on her face told me she wouldn’t be performing in the talent show this year. And I realized this was a milestone too- a first rejection.

She took the news well, and I’m glad the casting happened on a Friday and she’s had the weekend to mull it over. It’s come up a few times over the past few days, and I’ve given her plenty of examples of things I tried out for but wasn’t selected for. Here in no particular order are a few of them:

  • school talent shows
  • student exchange program
  • cheerleading (ha! Can you imagine?)
  • assorted school plays
  • assorted jobs
  • assorted social media opportunities

I’m still here, and I’m still kicking, and I know that she will do the same. And as much as I wish there would be a “Let It Go” chorus, I understand why there isn’t. This is a milestone that doesn’t go down in the record books, but may be it should. The concept of not everyone makes everything is a big one, and it’s good to learn about it when your memory is short and your hopes are high, and you’re inclined to continue to sing the song you love so much. Although she doesn’t believe, I tell her that she gets props for her first-ever audition. I know some day she’ll understand why.



I’m Big, and Tall and I (Had) a Wiggly Tooth

Yesterday morning I asked MaM if she needed help getting something off of a shelf.

“No, I’ve got it.”

“Wow, MaM. When did you get so tall?”

“I’m Big, and Tall and I Have a Wiggly Tooth!” she retorted, as she poured milk into her cereal.

Less than 10 hours later……..

She lost that wiggly tooth.

We were “everybody all together” (as she used to call it), driving to the gym. She was blowing bubbles into my water bottle through the attached straw. All of a sudden, she shrieked. Then Jr shrieked.

“My tooth! My tooth! My tooth is out!”

She may as well have won the lottery. Randomly, there was an empty plastic egg in the van, so that has become the safe-keeping place. She showed her new space off to anyone who would look at the gym, called Grandma and Jane when we got home and was ready for the tooth fairy last night.

Except that she didn’t want the tooth fairy to take the tooth.

She’d like to keep it, and any more teeth she may lose, in her pink plastic egg. Forever and ever.

This tooth fairy is OK with that.

This Boy

This boy. This boy is currentthat boyly hard to photograph, because  he   is soooo fast. In the past week, he has learned to walk, and his toddle is getting more sober by the day. He could be walking a straight line by the end of the month. Today he started standing up w/o pulling up–he’s learned to just stand up, no props needed.

As our little friends exclaimed yesterday, as he toddled to her,     “He’s a toddler now!”

When did this happen?!?!