Mom Bloggers Storm the Statehouse

Or assemble peacefully in Lieutenant Governor Becky Skillman’s office. Whatever.

Last month I got an invitation to attend a mom bloggers roundtable with Indiana’s Lieutenant Governor. After working out the logistics of being at the statehouse at 3pm on a Wednesday, I responded with an enthusiastic yes! (Thanks Mom, for your visit and babysitting services).

I carpooled with Julie and Heather, and met up with fellow bloggers in the long security line on the statehouse steps. We proceeded to the Lt. Governor’s office, and took the last seats available. There were about twenty five of us assembled, and it struck me how many people I didn’t know in the room.

Women from all over the state had made arrangements to come to this meeting. Women from north of Fort Wayne, women from East-Central Indiana closer to Ohio than Indianapolis, and women from south of Terre Haute all spent their day in car to attend this meeting. If you weren’t sure if Indiana had amazing talent in it’s female bloggers before this assembly, this assembly is proof that it does.

As Amy mentioned in her post, I wasn’t exactly sure of the purpose of this meeting. When I asked on Facebook (the best place for crowd-sourcing questions, I’m finding) what was on my friends’ minds. the answers which resonated were education and health care, foster care and caring for women and children. Unfortunately, the Lt. Governor, while she oversees five agencies, doesn’t have a whole to do with these topics. She is, however, president of the Indiana State Senate, and gets to be the tie breaker if necessary. Anyway.

Our conversation ended up meandering from technological infrastructure in rural areas (there were many farm families represented in the crowd), to food quality and agricultural stewardship, to the quality of school lunches.

I think we could have talked with Lt. Governor Skillman for hours on these topics, and so many more, but alas, by the time introductions were over, we only had about 40 minutes. I’m pretty sure had our discussion gone on, we probably could have solved the problems presented, along with a few more, because an incredibly educated, vocal, passionate and connected group was assembled. If a political lobby ever caught the ear of the Indiana Mom’s Blog Collective, I’m pretty sure we could make something happen.

The session closed with a heartfelt question from Jennifer, who poised a question I think many women (and men) of our generation feel like asking. This isn’t an exact quote, but her question was basically what advice did the Lt. Governor have in regards to the bipartisan state of politics today, how can it be made better, and how, as citizens do we not get disenchanted with the whole process.

It was the perfect question to end our too-short session.

In short, the Lt. Governor told us that while the big issues get coverage and tend to divide down party lines, there are hundreds of things (in Indiana State Government, at least) that get voted on in agreement from both parties everyday. That in Indiana, the divide is more rural vs. urban (an interesting concept I hadn’t thought much about, but makes total sense) than it is R vs. D. She remind us that in our citizen legislature, our elected officials have to live and work under the laws that they make. That they do represent us, and that we have a voice. That we need to tell them what’s on our minds. She also (either at this point, or earlier in the conversation) brought up the point that while education is funded by federal and state funds, much of what’s decided is decided at the local school board level. Her points resonated with me – for as much political garbage there is to wade through, our government is still readily accessible to us. And it’s our duty to take part in it.

After the meeting, we posed for a quick picture which is currently refusing to upload here.  Then I went on a tour of the statehouse that was really enjoyable. Then I went out for a most awesome dinner with Heather and Julie, and Jen (whom I met for the first time in person after countless Twitter conversations and Words with Friends games) and Sherry, whom I had just met for the very first time that day.

All in all it was a great day for many different reasons. And seriously — local politicians? Pitch the mom bloggers your platform. Tell us what you’re doing and why. We’d love to hear you, and I think you’d love to hear us.

More posts on this day can be found by the above bloggers, as well as  at Six Just Like the NumberRedefining Perfect, Eternal Lizdom Smiling Green Mom and many more (and they all have photos, unlike me). If you’ve posted, let me know and I’ll add a link!

Life in 600 words or less

You’d think one of the snowiest Indiana winters on record would lend itself to blogging, but not so much. Mostly I’ve spent this winter chasing after the boy, who is growing every single day. He’s talking a mile a minute, obsessed with cars and it’s really hard to be in a bad mood when he’s around. I don’t think I’ve documented his life here as well as I have MaM’s, which is sad for me, but probably in ten years he’ll thank me for it.

Here’s the thing — I have been blogging a lot, just not here. I’m posting almost daily over at Persephone. It’s a lot of fun to be part of blog that churns out 15+ posts per day– a little insane, but very fun. What’s more fun is that I’m working virtually with two friends from college (Selena and Sara B.). Today’s kind of a big day over there because one of our writer’s had a post picked up and cross posted by MSNBC. How cool is that? The general audience at Persephone, I’m learning, is about 10 years younger and 90 degrees more liberal than me, but I’m loving it anyway. People probably envision me as a little old grandma posting my posts via passenger pigeon, but they’re very polite about it. Here’s a post I wrote about my minivan, and the conversation continues into the comments.

I’ve also been writing articles about once a month for Savvy Source in addition to my weekly city guide duties. It’s been great fun, and I won’t lie– I love and respect that fact that Savvy Source pays in actual money for the work that I do. It’s novel, and it’s appreciated.

The other things that’s been taking up time (in a good way) is my actual part-time job — I’ve been with BoxCrush now for several months and I’m loving it. It gives me ways to geek out that don’t come up in my every day life, and I get to be around grownups (who, as a bonus, are friends) and I am learning a ton.

So, I’m working Monday and Thursday, getting Savvy stuff done on Tuesday, getting posts up at Grown in My Heart monthly, and spending some time doing Persephone tasks daily.

And this week? Tomorrow? I’m going to the statehouse to take part in a round table discussion with Lt. Governor Skillman. I’m excited to see the panel of bloggers assembled, and I’m excited to talk about the issues with Lt. Governor Skillman. The topics of education and healthcare seem to be high on everyone’s list. Let me know if there’s a topic you’d like for me to bring up, if you’re reading this in the next 24 hr or so!

So that the boy doesn’t feel slighted, I’ll leave you with a conversation we had today:

“You take me down and Daddy picks me up.”

“”I take you down?”

“To my rainbow day.” (that’s what he calls the two days per week he goes to daycare)

“I drop you off at rainbow?”

“Yes. And daddy picks me up. And MaM.”

“That’s right, Daddy and MaM pick you up.”

“And you. And Daddy. And MaM. And me. That’s my family.”

“That is your family.”

“I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too buddy, I love you too.”

MaM and the boy at the IMA in January. Don'y you love his hand in his pocket?

Still For Sale…..

In just a few weeks, we’ll be passing the one year mark on our storage unit. It’s been a year since we decided to put our townhouse on the market, a year since we replaced the carpet and had some bathroom updates done in hopes of a quick sale. A YEAR.

It’s frustrating. Only one townhouse in the neighborhood has sold all this time. There have only been five showings. Each time there’s a showing, after I’ve frantically cleaned the house, I reward myself with an hour or two of looking online for our new home and perhaps some new furnishings. Sometimes I just look for things totally different that what we have now (post-college random, I like to call it) and imagine a house full of  modern decor. Sometimes I think about room colors, or dream about a two car garage.

Then a small child sprints back and forth across the room and I’m snapped back to reality*. And I realize we need to get St. Joseph upside down and into the ground, pronto.

*Seriously, the children run sprints back and forth, from one wall to the other, both upstairs and downstairs at all hours of the day. These kids need a basement, or a bonus room, or an indoor dog run of some sort…..