Truth of Touch: BgKahuna on Yanni

That title sounds a little dirty, doesn’t it? I didn’t mean for it to be. It’s just that when the One 2 One Network asked if I wanted to review Yanni’s new album, Truth of Touch, I said yes, for BgKahuna’s sake.

Don’t get me wrong, I like me some Yanni on occasion. But BgKahuna? He really likes some Yanni. The first time he told me this, I though he was kidding. He doesn’t appear to be the New Age Music type. But sure enough, when our CD collections merged, Yanni: :Live at the Acropolis and Snowfall were some of his contributions.

Touch of Truth is Yanni’s first original album in 8 years. BgK was glad there were only two vocal tracks on this release, although he openly admits he celebrates his entire catalog of work. “His music is timeless, of course everyone celebrates his most popular album, ‘Live at the Acropolis’, but true fans will enjoy this one just as much, if not more.”

BgK was disappointed that Indianapolis wasn’t on Yanni’s 2011 tour schedule. Maybe next time, BgK, maybe next time.

Disclosure: The One 2 One Network sent me a download of Truth of Touch in exchange for my honest review.

40 Bags in 40 Days: Virtual Clutter, Virtual Trash

As I move through this 40 day de-cluttering project, I’m noticing more and more what weighs me down. I’ve stopped cussing so much when I open the closets and cabinets. The dresser drawers are a less full, and it feels like there’s a little more room to breath.

That’s when I started noticing something that still made me roll my eyes and mutter every morning: email. Precisely, the 395964820 promotional emails I get

Sure, when I was reading Anna Karenina with Oprah, it made sense to get the daily newsletter that highlighted each week’s reading selection. But after I was done with that book, I never unsubscribed.

It made sense to get those Travelocity fare watcher emails when I was looking for plane fares last summer, but we’re not flying this summer.

And while I love looking at all Groupon offers in the midwest, I don’t need to see all of them every day (I’ll probably end up saving a lot of money, actually).

I won’t notice not getting pizza, oil change, and clothing deals every week.

I should save a little time every day not doing a massive delete, I’ll let go of the nagging “I should really click through and read this”, and I’ll avoid getting crazy ideas like “yes! I should totally by 24 widgets to  get 6 free”.

I stopped short of taking a screenshot, but it’s true — I unsubscribed from over 40 different subscriptions today. 28 days down, only 12 more to go!

40 Bags in 40 Days: the Next Step

So after Wednesday’s post, I got another bag out from my little corner in the living room. Then we left town.

But I have new motivation when I return — someone wants my stuff for a garage sale for a very good cause.

In my inbox this weekend, I got a message from Amy of Stinky Toes Design (go check out her stuff) and she’s collecting items for a giant garage sale at the end of this week. It’s like she knew I had bags and bags of stuff sitting in my garage, just waiting to be donated somewhere.

Amy & her family are having this giant sale as a fundraiser to put raise funds for the adoption of their two girls, who are slowly making their way home from Africa. (If you’re local, and you’d like to donate, let me know and I’ll put you in touch)