Chik Fil A Leadercast in Indy

One of the things I love about living in Indianapolis is that there are always fun and interesting things going on and that these things are accessible. This may be a sweeping generalization, but typically event tickets and parking are reasonable, and traffic isn’t too big of a hassle. If there’s an advertisement for something on the radio on an Indpls station, chances are tickets are available and you could be there, from wherever in the listening area you live, in two hours or less.

Chik-Fil-A’s Leadercast is no exception. Every year, Chik-Fil-A brings together the top leaders from across many disciplines and puts together a day’s worth of inspirational presentations on leadership. The grand event takes place in Atlanta, and it’s broadcast at various venues across the country. And Indy has a venue.

The JW Marriot to be precise ((squee!)).

Leadercast is an annual Chik-Fil-A event, showcasing some of the most inspirational speakers around. This year’s line up includes Sir Ken Robinson, Dave Ramsey, and Suzy Welch.

BgK and I will be attending this year, and I can’t wait. A full day of grown-ups, listening to successful people and eating Chik-Fil-A sounds like a win-win-win to me.

You can register on line and join us this coming Friday!

BgK’s been having fun with the Chik-Fil-A cow — they are both looking forward to Friday!

This Monday is for Mozzi

Two years ago this month I met Casey, you may know her as Moosh In Indy (technically, Moosh is her daughter). She emailed me before we left for the Hallmark Moms E-vent we had been invited to (she was smart enough to ask for a list of the other attendees– smart, eh?) in Kansas City. We met, actually, at O’Hare airport while waiting for our second flight. Bloggers just have a look, you know?

That very same afternoon, Casey and I had lunch at the counter of the Crayola Cafe in Kansas City. MaM was content to color and eat french fries while we got to know each other. Casey and I talked about the trials of family building, and what it’s like when the world is pregnant and you’re not. It’s something, when fertility isn’t your strong suit, that you get used to talking about to the right people. The people who are interested, not just nosy.

A very young MaM showing off her masterpiece at the Crayola Cafe

For the next eighteen months or so, I followed Casey’s story. Her ups and downs and all arounds figuring out the path for her family.

And then there was this post, this post announcing Moosh:the sequel. And I smiled. The baby she had wanted for so long was going to become a reality. I’ve seen Casey several times during this pregnancy, and each time she’s more gorgeous and glowing than before.

Flash forward nine months and now Mozzi is almost here.

For the past few months, Emily has been hosting a fabulous virtual baby shower for Casey and lucky commenters. She also coordinated a pep rally of sorts — every couple of days a different friend sends some love to Casey.

Today’s my day.

My fingers are crossed that the USPS comes through and delivers an envelope for me (I may or may not have left enough time for punctual delivery, silly postal holiday).

Casey, I couldn’t be more thrilled that Mozzi is coming into this world. I know when the Fox joined us, I wondered what parenting two would be like. How could I possibly manage two? What every other mother on the planet told me is exactly true — your heart just grows and grows and you just do. Congratulations!

40 Bags in 40 Days: Palm Sunday

Have I reached my 40 bags? I haven’t been keeping super track lately, but I think I am probably close. What I’ve accomplished has been kind of amazing -I’ve gone through every closet and cabinet in our home and de-junked it. A few different categories have become better organized and centrally located, which makes life easier. Things we are no longer using have made their way to Goodwill and a garage sale and are being useful to someone else. Other things have been disposed of, because sometimes it’s just time to be done.

I feel a little lighter, and there is less cussing when I open particular closets and cabinets. I’m thinking there are a couple of ways to do this on a regular basis — either at the start of each season, just work through the house like I’ve been doing, until it’s done. Another option would be to take a spot a week, or assign each space in the house a day of the week. I’ll be experimenting with what works, but I’m hopeful some of the organization will last.