Connections: Exercise & Friendship

Saturday night I was lucky enough to be part of my friend Heather’s Out Run the Sun team, a 5k walk/run that benefits melenoma research, and gave me a chance to hang out with some of my favorite people . I brought both kids, and while the Fox enjoyed a fast ride in the stroller, MaM hung out with Heather’s girls (the oldest of whom was in charge, say what you will about teens, but I dream about the day I have one, just to be able to leave for a few minutes here and there).

(Here’s our pre-race photo — from left to right there’s Chris, Angie, Emily, Heather, Me, and Julie. Our post-race photo was canceled due to an incoming monsoon.)

When we got home (out running a major thunder storm by mere minutes), MaM told me that she had SO MUCH FUN. And that her new friend, Lorelai, well, she was THE BEST. And then she asked, “Do you talk to her mom?”

I answered, “Why yes, I talk to Lorelai’s mom quite a lot, actually.”

MaM then asked, “How do you know her?”

And it occurred to me that she had never heard this story.

“Well, Lorelai’s mommy has a blog, just like I do.’

“What’s a blog?”

“You know,”


“That’s a blog.


“I write stories on that blog and sometimes people read them. Lorelia’s mom has a blog called And a long time ago– before we adopted you and while Lorelai was growing in her mom’s belly, we started reading each other’s stories. And then, one night, when you were teeny-tiny, we decided to meet in person.”

“Was I there?”

“Yes, you were in your baby carseat and you were about one month old.”

“Was Lorelai there?”

“She was still in her mom’s tummy–she wasn’t born yet.”

“She wasn’t born yet? But we’re both five!”

“I know, but you were teeny-tiny, and your birthday is first. Anyway, I met Heather and we became friends.”

“I’m glad you’re friends mom. When can I see Lorelai again?”

See, as much as Heather and I like to hang out, we don’t ever include the children. We tend to do grown-up things together because with five kids between us, coordinating schedules before bedtime gets tricky. And who doesn’t like to have some girlfriend time??

The 5k walk changed that though, and I think MaM is going to be tagging along on my excursions from now on, which is OK.

It just shows me that my daughter has exceptional taste in friends too.


School’s Out for Summer (almost)

Today MaM graduated from kindergarten, but in Indiana snow-day fashion, she still has school next week. But between updating the Savvy Source City Guide and penciling summer events on the family calendar, I’m looking forward to some summer fun.

This summer will be different because I’ll be working two days a week. It turns out, most jobs don’t go on hiatus like teaching jobs do. Go figure. Anyway, three days a week we’ll have the day to do with as we please.

Here are some things I’m hoping we can enjoy this summer:

1) THE POOLS: Oh the pools– the pool in our neighborhood, the pool at the gym, the pool at the local park, and any pool we are randomly invited to swim in, how I cannot wait to go to the pool!!

2) The Library Summer Reading Program: MaM has become an amazing reader over this past school year. Amazing enough she’ll be able to read books that are worth more points, which will be kind of fun for her.

3) Movies at the Library: Ok, so the past two years we’ve been enjoying the free movies at the local theaters, but this year they are charging. They are charging a dollar per person, which suddenly makes RedBox a cheaper option. But the library has a whole summer of movies planned, so I think we will go there. And probably we’ll be seeing Cars 2 in the theater. There’s at least one person in our house who’s very excited!

4) An Indians Game: We meant to go last summer, but we never did. Does it get any better in Indy than at Victory Field on a nice summer’s night?

5) Free Bowling: Select bowling centers are offering two free games of bowling per day all a summer long for kids under 17, how fun is that? All you pay for is shoe rental. The kids LOVE to bowl, so I’ll be signing up to get the coupons every week and will hit the lanes some point. Here’s the link for free summer bowling.

What’s on your summer fun list?

In the Blink of an Eye

Yesterday was MaM’s dance recital. We missed it last year because we were at a wedding, so she was over-the-moon excited about dancing on the big stage. When we arrived for the dress rehearsal, her eyes got wide, for there was a table of trophies in front of her. I didn’t give it much thought — she’s five years old, what kind of award could she have possibly earned?

Turns out, she earned her fourth year award. Which is the second biggest trophy you can get (the dance company is five years old). And I did a double take, how is it possible that my five year old has been dancing for four years?

Then it hit me.

I signed her up for dance class a month before her second birthday.

(go ahead, read it again slowly)

I remember it clearly — Jump Into Motion was starting a class for two year olds that summer, and I thought MaM would enjoy it. I emailed to make sure it was OK that she started a month before she was officially two, and I was assured it was no problem.

She’s been dancing with Miss Sara ever since.

Of course she’s grown in the past four years. Dance class has helped her to learn how to follow along with the group. It’s helped her to follow directions. It’s helped her to memorize steps of a process. It’s helped her to work toward something big, like a recital. It’s given her confidence, and she’s had  lot of fun.

On Thursday, there’s a celebration at her school for all of the children who’ve completed kindergarten.

I find it strange that we were invited, since just the other day she started her first dance class. You know, a month before her second birthday.

Next week, she’ll be done at her current school, and we’ll start our summer routine. In a about 12 weeks, she’ll be off to first grade. Unless I figure out how to stop time.

MaM has seriously been with Jump Into Motion for four years. If you have a little one who might like to give dance a try, I can’ recommend them enough. I don’t have a ton of experience with early childhood classes, but  this one is the most affordable, developmentally appropriate one I’ve found. Check their website to see if they will be offering classes near you soon!