Party Time!

I could post all about M’s 1st birthday party, which ROCKED, or you could just watch the little flash show up top by her ticker. To summarize: The party was great!! We were surrounded by family and friends, all of the kiddos (10 kids, ranging from 1 month to almost 4yrs old) did really well, it was hot but bearable and M loved every minute of it!!

The caterpillar, butterfly and dirt cakes all turned out great, M kind of got into opening her presents, she loved the party hats and noisemakers, and seemed to really enjoy her day. The party lasted from 3:30pm-8:30pm, and she was a trooper!! She slept OK, but got up early this morning, but is now making up for it–she took a 3.5hr nap in the AM, and is into hour 2 of an afternoon nap. She’ll be back on track in no time, I’m sure!

Enjoy the little flash show, and there may be more pictures later.

One is Fun!!

Baby Girl turns one today!! It’s hard to believe that one short year ago she had only just arrived, and wasn’t technically a member of our family yet. That we drove to the hospital 3 days in a row, and didn’t come home with her until August 5th. That her room as only been hers for 12 months. That I haven’t always been a mom. One thing’s for certain–the blog may be called “gotcha baby”, but she’s certainly the one who’s got us by the heart strings.

The hospital stay is the next installment on Memory Lane, it should be posted soon!