The Happy Shopper

The “new mom” thing hasn’t really worn off on me yet (most days)…I still LOVE shopping for the wee-one, especially for things she hasn’t experienced before, like mittens and mitten clips. That was today’s mission. I found cute fleece mittens (well, thumbless mittens, if you can picture that) with a matching hat (sears), along with hot pink mitten clips (target). I got her the next size of Target brand Robeez knock offs, and a cute hooded zip-up sweater with a pom-pom on the zipper (sears).

While shopping at Target and Sears, I looked through the holiday dresses. Last year she had a Santa Dress, and then another very pretty dark maroon velvet number. I’m thinking two holiday dresses are a good thing to have, with multiple celebrations and all, a girl has to have choices. We came by 2006’s dress number one via her cousin Anna–it’s the cutest thing with fur cuffs, matching hat and everything. Perfect. So here’s question–do we go for another Santa dress this year or do we branch out??? There are beautiful velvet dresses with pink or white tulle skirts, burgandy dresses with drop waists, traditional Christmas plaid, and many other options. Any and all opinions and advice will be considered!! I looked online, but didn’t have the selections that I saw in the store today or I’d have ya’ll check ’em out.


How could you not post about Madonna today?? I had to say I was disappointed that it was a video feed and not a live interview, though if I’d thought about it long enough, I would have come to that conclusion before turning on the TV (Oprah: Chicago, Madonna:London). So here’s what I noticed: a) The Material Girl really did go through “the process”–she had a Social Worker and a Homestudy just like us!! (who knew i’d have something in common with Madonna??) b) She actually has an open adoption, since she’s met David’s first father and all. c) I think she explained her situation quite well, and I’m prone to believe her.

All that being said, I noticed that most of her pretty face really didn’t move. I think in addition to a Social Worker, the Material Girl also has a Botox worker, don’tcha think??? That said, she looks fantastic for a mom of 3!!! Also, me thinks she’s affected the accent of a Brit.

A Day of Firsts…..

Today I got done with work early so I went to go pick up the Monkey before she went down for her nap. I thought she’d sleep longer and better at home. Ha!! This was the first day that I can remember in recent history that she’s gone WITHOUT A NAP. She played in her room for awhile, filled her pants, warranted a change, played some more and after 90 minutes, I let her out.

Later in the afternoon we flipped on Arthur and for the first time she seemed semi-interested. It happened to be an episode where D.W. and friends are at a spoof of the American Girl store, and there are thousands of dolls and accesories and books to be had. It was pretty funny, because the girls were poking fun at how commercialized it was, and a salesperson was saying how a certain doll (the Tibetan one) was discontinued because there weren’t enough accessories to generate enough income, and so forth.

So after that we went to the mailbox and what was in it???? Our first American Girl catalog. I kid you not. I had a whole new appreciation for it after that Arthur episode!!! OMG is that stuff expensive! Wowsa! Now granted, it’s worlds apart from Bratz and other assorted crap–it actually is somewhat reality based and comes with lessons in history, etc. But come on–we all know it’s just overly commercialized stuff. It’s like the Hanna Andersson catalog on crack–Hanna offers Mother/Daughter outfits, American Girl offers girl/doll outfits.

In sticking with our firsts theme, the first Christmas presents of the season have been purchased!!! With 9 (!!) neices and nephews aged 5 and under to buy for (I know, Beth, I have NOTHING to complain about), one must get started early. Toys R Us had a fab sale on Little Tikes and Melissa & Doug puzzles. I also ordered several items from MontessoriServices, which in turn will give my school a merchandise credit that the teachers can use in their classrooms.

I think that’s it for now.

done belly aching

Ok, I’m over it. Or at least most of it.

My wallowing was interrupted by the world’s sweetest girl and how smart she really is. Last night she was getting ready for bed, laying on her pillow, holding her blanket. We’d read “Good Night Moon” and said prayers. I was patting her back, and said, “M, are you ready for your music?” At that she sat up, smiled, opened her mouth and started bouncing and shaking her shoulders!!!!! I didn’t mean THAT kind of music!!!! I totally lost it–fits of hysterical laughter, which then just made her dance more. Seriously, one of the funniest damn things I have EVER seen.

So bed time was delayed, because I had to call Daddy upstairs, and we had to have a little dance party. Then she found Hop on Pop (she call the book Pop!), and we had to go entirely though that book. And we realized she knows which book is which–she can pick out about 5 books by name. And she can find almost anything we ask her to point to in the pictures. When we calmed down again, and put on sleepy-time music, I think she fell asleep about 5 seconds after her head hit the pillow.

She never ceases to amaze me EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.