In for a dollar….

My third Ebay item was won yesterday evening. Addicting? Yeah, I heard that somewhere. Problem? I don’t have a problem….

In the near future, I will have seven BUM Genius 3.0 diapers to use on MAM at night and naptime, and to get the hang of it before I really need to know what I’m doing.

"I want to sleep like a girl"

Today MAM’s new bed was assembled. She’s had a bed all along–she started on a twin sized futon floor bed, moved to a double bed mattress, then we added the box spring (but kept the whole thing directly on the floor), and today she moved to a twin bed on a frame. A super-cool “storage frame”, so under her bed she can store her treasures (and over her bed is a hutch).

The bedding I won on EBay should be here by the end of the week, and then she will be all set. Til then, she’s happy with some purple sheets. Tonight, as she was going to bed she at first refused her beloved soft blanket, little pillow and rabbit–to be exact, she threw them on the floor, threw herself on the full sized pillow and said, “I want to sleep like a girl now!”

After some tossing and turning, she decided not to abandon her three favorite things on earth just yet, and snuggled in for the night. *SIGH*

Next up on Operation Share Her Space: assemble the matching dresser. Then we’ll clear out two dressers that are in her room (reclaiming the one I donated to her cause three years ago), making room for the nursery furniture we’ll be adding at the end of June.

HomeStudy Update: check!

We had a lovely 45 minute chat with a SW today, and she gathered what she needed for the home study update. It was really rather uneventful. I cleared off the coffee table and all toys were picked up off the floor–that’s about the extent of my preparation!

MAM was incredibly friendly and cute–she shared her snack, and showed her her latest favorite issue of National Geographic when we went upstairs. There was no peeking in closets, or a white glove test, or really even testing of the required smoke detectors.

So that’s it on our end–everything’s submitted, now “all” we have to do is hurry up and wait til June 25th!