Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there….

whether you be celebrating your first Mother’s Day or your 20th or if you’re anixiously waiting to become a mom–SUNDAY is your day!! Take a little time for yourself and drink up the love around you. Have a great one!

the rest of yesterday

While I’m still sort of digesting Kurt Vonnegut’s death, I thought I’d post on the other part of yesterday…the part that happened before 7:15am. What? Before 7:15 AM? Yes. A.M.

Phone calls at 5:30 am are never good. So when I was roused out of a deep sleep by the phone, I was braced for the worst. It wasn’t the worst (no one had died…remember, I didn’t learn about mr. v until 2 hours later)—but it wasn’t good. The alarm company was calling from work–there had been an intruder and could I please meet the officers at the building? how long would I be? what kind of car would I be driving?

Wow. I live 4.5 minutes from work, automatically nominating me the ’emergency contact’. I don’t actually get the first phone call, but anything time sensitive gets referred to me. So I drove to work, in the dark, to see what there is to see. The phone rang at 5:30 exactly. I pulled into the parking lot as the clock was turning 5:40. A.M.

Remember those “this is your brain on drugs” fried egg commercials? Someone’s brain was obviously fried. They somehow managed to shatter a window, wander through the buidling a gather two bags worth of items…..then pile them into the front office and flee when the heard the sirens/saw the lights of the 5-0.

In the two bags worth of items???

1 cordless phone charger (the cordless phone was left on the counter)
2 walkie talkies and a charger
1 CD player
10 home-burned CD’s of classical music
1 silver dolphin bottle opener
1 can of frozen orange juice concentrate

I shit you not. Nothing was actually taken.

So my administrator arrives not too long after me, She beings damage control and I begin actual clean up–shattered glass was EVERYWHERE. I filled an desk sized wastebasket with shards of glass.

A 7:15 am the “early ” (well on any other day) morning assistant arrived, and I drove home to get ready for the day and put on a bra. Turns out, in my haste at 5:30 am, I didn’t bother.