You can’t really live in Indiana (the part that’s in the Eastern time zone) and not have an opinion on daylight saving time. That’s because we Hoosiers have only recently jumped on the DST bandwagon. And here’s the thing–I LOVE DST when we are on vacation. What’s not to love about going for ice cream at 9pm in Northern Michigan in June, and it being light out? What’s not to love about the fact that it’s dark til close to 7am–that’s awesome when I’m on vacation and not going anywhere anyway.
It bites to actually have to be employed, and worse yet, have to have your kids on a schedule while observing DST. Why don’t people in New York complain about such things? Well, partially because it’s the norm there, and partially because they are in the eastern part of the time zone. The most eastern portion of any time zone gets fewer extremes when springing forward (sunrise/sunset times) than the western part (the opposite it true in the fall). The extremes are enough for the stat of Indiana to spend another $8.6 million in energy costs.
So here’s the thing–here in Indiana, I’m thinking it would make more sense for the whole state to be in the Central time zone, like our Chicagoland counterparts in the northern part of the state. Then I’d save this sort of post for “falling back”, when it gets dark at 4pm–you know, when we are on ‘standard time’. Which is actually for only about 4 months a year anymore, so much for standard.
Another reason why I’m glad I am OFF all summer long….