My Ode to Coffee

Cow-pee: When MaM was younger, she called it cow-pee. It was super cute. Also? My kids don’t serve tea with the tea set. They serve coffee.

Often: I make coffee quite often — now that I’m home more, I find myself making a pot either before or after the 3pm school pick up.

Friends: Coffee always tastes better with friends, whether we’re in a diner, a coffee shop or around the kitchen table.

Fresh: I love the smell of fresh coffee

Espresso: I’m not really a fan of espresso, my love is for regular drip coffee

Everyday: It’s true, I drink coffee every single day.

My love for coffee runs deep. I start every day with a cup, and if we’re out, it’s motivation for me to go to the store that very day (in contrast to when we run out of bread, and we just eat tortillas or crackers til the next shopping trip). So when I had the offer to have three bags of Dunkin Donuts Holiday Flavors delivered to my door, how could I refuse?

Dunkin Donuts is known for having outstanding fresh coffee in their stores, and I have to say that the packaged version has the same qualities as restaurant fresh. It’s not quite the same, but it’s really close & I don’t have to drive to get it, so it’s a good substitute. What I like about these flavored versions is that the flavor is subtle – it’s not “Hmmm…is there coffee in my vanilla nut drink?” Of the three I sampled — Pumpkin Spice, Vanilla Nut and Mocha Mint, my favorite was Mocha Mint. It hinted at chocolate and it hinted at mint, but wasn’t over powering. All three coffees were smooth, and the right type of mellow for me (these are not bold coffees). Which is kind of ironic, I know, to judge a coffee by it’s mellowness, because coffee has a reputation for not inspiring the mellow in people. But if you ask my kids, I’m sure they’d agree– I’m a kinder, more mellow mommy with a little java in my veins….

Disclosure: “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Smuckers and received necessary products to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

So, About Those Glasses

At the very beginning of fall break, I made an appointment to get MaM’s eyes checked. Not because she was having vision problems, but because it occurred to me that she hadn’t been to the eye doctor since she was three.

On the way there, she was so excited about getting glasses she could hardly stand it. I gently told her that maybe she wouldn’t need glasses, but if she really wanted them, we could get her a pair of fashion glasses. Explaining the difference between prescription and fashion glasses to a five year old is not for the weak of heart, FYI.

On the way into the office, I reminded MaM to cooperate and answer honestly to the doctor’s questions (did she even know how or why she would need glasses? I have no idea). She did the diagnostic tests with the tech, even the puff of air (which makes me cringe) with no problem.

MaM warmed up to the doc quickly, and soon she was reading the eye chart.




“What’s the next line?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “I can’t see it.”


How could she not see it? The letters were still huge at this point!

As the exam proceeded, there were other points where MaM simply answered, “I can’t see it.”  And I began to wonder — did she really need glasses or did she really want glasses? Could she know at five how to be so convincing that she would end up with a pair of glasses at the end of the day??

As the exam concluded, the doctor said that she needed glasses. My response? “You know, um, she really wanted glasses coming in today.” *wink*wink* (read: Is my kid faking this?)

Her answer? “Based on the diagnostics and what we’ve done, I’ve cross checked several things –she is near-sighted and should wear her glasses all the time at school.” *wink*wink* (read: Lady, your kid didn’t fake this)

So MaM picked out the most perfect pair of pink glasses, and has been wearing them ever since. A kindergartener with glasses! Who would have thought??

I remember getting glasses in second grade. How about you???

What Kahunas Do For Fun on Monday Night

This is what BgK came up with when I asked him to occupy the kiddos while I got dinner together. To his credit, the kids had a blast, and he kept them busy for a full 45 minutes (it took several takes). I’m just thinking that we’ll have to get those toilet seat locks now. Maybe I’m paranoid….