"I want to sleep like a girl"

Today MAM’s new bed was assembled. She’s had a bed all along–she started on a twin sized futon floor bed, moved to a double bed mattress, then we added the box spring (but kept the whole thing directly on the floor), and today she moved to a twin bed on a frame. A super-cool “storage frame”, so under her bed she can store her treasures (and over her bed is a hutch).

The bedding I won on EBay should be here by the end of the week, and then she will be all set. Til then, she’s happy with some purple sheets. Tonight, as she was going to bed she at first refused her beloved soft blanket, little pillow and rabbit–to be exact, she threw them on the floor, threw herself on the full sized pillow and said, “I want to sleep like a girl now!”

After some tossing and turning, she decided not to abandon her three favorite things on earth just yet, and snuggled in for the night. *SIGH*

Next up on Operation Share Her Space: assemble the matching dresser. Then we’ll clear out two dressers that are in her room (reclaiming the one I donated to her cause three years ago), making room for the nursery furniture we’ll be adding at the end of June.

Zoom-Zoom, Cha Cha

I resisted the “racing thing” for a good long while here in the Circle City. Most years, we left town “race weekend” (s) , or at least, we’d avoid the west side of town. Then, suddenly, BgK started “going to the track”, the way some people golf in mixing-business-with-pleasure sort of way. Then he started telling MAM about it.

Saturday we went to the track for Pole Day–the beginning of qualifications to see who lines up where on race day. MAM was excited. She happily donned sunscreen, sunglasses and ear plugs–she was going to see the race cars.

She even got to see Danica, walking from the garages to the pits.

“Danica drives a black and blue car! Danica number 7! Danica has an M for MAM on her car!”

As much as the cars had her in awe (have you ever seen a car going 225mph??), she wasn’t really into sitting in the stands for any period of time. So we walked, and we walked, and we walked some more. We finally found a good spot on the first turn, where she could climb the fence and jump around in between laps. FUN!

After all that walking and climbing and jumping, we decided to take the tram back to the parking lot. 500 other people had the same idea, and while we were all waiting patiently and in an orderly manner, no tram was in sight.

BgK then notices a bright red golf cart–the Cha Cha mobile, if you will. He chatted them up for a few moments, then asked if we could get a lift….and we did. We, the chosen three, got to hop in a snazzy red golf cart and got a personal lift back to the parking lot. And we got to find out about Cha-Cha. And because they gave us a lift when we needed it most, I’m telling you all about Cha Cha too.

Simply put, Cha Cha is an answering service–text or call them, ask a question, and in a few minutes, they’ll get back to you. Seriously, a real person will investigate what you need to know for you and let you know the answer. Handy if you’re not near Google yourself, or don’t have to time to investigate something. And just kind of fun–we asked what we should name McBaby and the answer came back with the most popular names from last year. Clever, eh?

Homestudy Visit Date Set

So a social worker (a moonlighter, actually, on contract with the agency)will be coming out to the house on Monday to check us out. Good thing we still have the smoke detectors and fire extinguishers from last time (requirements). It should not be too big of a deal–she’s swinging by late in the afternoon after work (for all adults involved) and my guess is that we’ll do most of our chatting in the driveway while MAM zooms around on her bike!

Speaking of MAM (I can really only go about 5 minutes without bringing her up, have you noticed?), today I had to explain the concept of “dirty” underwear. See, she actually managed to keep the same pair of Snow White panties (thanks, Grandma) dry for 24 hours (she wears them over her pull-up at nap and bedtime), and so this morning she took them off, tossed her pull up and was ready to put them back on again.

“Honey, those are dirty. Put them in the hamper.”

“They not dirty! They not wet! They dry!”

“When you wake up in the morning, you put your panties in the hamper and put on clean ones.”

“They clean! See? They dry!”

“MAM, after you wear them all day, and then sleep in them, even though they are dry, they go in the wash.”

“Oh. Ok. I get Ariel?”

Could I make this up????